
Why dont you post you lazy ass?

Started by July 26, 2000 05:42 AM
-1 comments, last by Mr Cup 24 years, 7 months ago
This might no be exactly on topic but none of you were going to do it so I have taken it upon myself to save the Game Art scetion from colapsing in on it''s self. Or some crap. Hmmmmm What would get you lot posting? Macs are crap, (well they are). I was working on that Larswood thing but it''s all gone a bit quiet. Hey Law'' if your reading this whats going on? Mmmmm gotta love drawing stacks and stacks of little squares :-) Hey this is fun, Go to the group white board, And doodle with your friends. Or if your not in to that sort of thing just draw pictures with them :-) Hey Someone start a thread, and every one post one example of their work, not to big say 300/300 odd? Im intrested to see every ones styles. Maby there''s life in this ol'' girl yet? As Mr Cup always says, ''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
As Mr Cup always says,''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''

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