
Err... Umm... How do you disable XWindows login?

Started by January 28, 2004 04:10 PM
3 comments, last by bcome 20 years, 7 months ago
I''m newish to linux (I''ve used it before) and I just installed Red Hat 9 on my computer. I have set it so I have a GUI login, but I need to install NVidia drivers, now, how do I disable GUI login, and then renable the GUI login. (Please, I don''t want to have to reinstall the O.S.!) Thanks, u r what u bcome
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I don''t use redhat, but these suggestions should be generic...

CTRL+ALT+F1 switch to a terminal. it doesn''t matter if X is running currently when you change its config, just restart it afterward. (ctrl+alt+backspace will restart the X server)

or jsut change your runlevel. iirc, redhat has like 3 = regular 4 = xsession

How do I change my runlevel (NVidia installation requires that XServer isn''t running, btw)?


u r what u bcome
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type "init runlevel " as root, where runlevel is the runlevel you want to change to, i.e. "init 3"

Or, in GRUB, you can boot into a specific runlevel by adding a 3 or whatever to the end of the kernel options.

EDIT: and by the way, I think 5 is the X session runlevel for RedHat, not 4.

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[edited by - Useless Hacker on January 28, 2004 5:56:49 PM]
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If changing to runlevel 3 doesn''t work, try shutdown now (note the lack of -h or -r). This should kill off all processes and put you into a maintenance mode. init 1 should accomplish the same thing.

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