
3D landscape

Started by January 23, 2004 10:34 AM
3 comments, last by OnANeedToKnow 21 years, 1 month ago
what is the best and simplest way to create a 3D landscape?
Heightmappig definetely, an 8 bit greyscale bitmap where black is the lowest and white is the highest.
kool, theres a tutorial on nehe isnt there? know of any other good tutorials on the subject? oh, and is it hard to texture map to a height map?
A few good height map tuts here:

You can also use ipicture to laod the map (so you dont have 2 write ur own load routine) - just make sure it doesnt make a texture.
trent polack - focus on 3d terrain programming

best you can find/all in one

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