
Exe Icons

Started by January 21, 2004 05:59 PM
3 comments, last by trager 21 years, 1 month ago
Could anyone tell me how to add a graphical icon (.ico I assume) to a shortcut in a setup project in VC++ .net please? help files arent really helping. thanks
Click on the shortcut in the "File System" tab. The properties window will now show properties for the shortcut. There is an option there for "Icon" which includes a browse option. Clicking this should enable you to choose an executable/dll that contains an icon or an .ico file. You might have to add an icon to the project by using the "Add File" button in order to select it though.

Hope that helps Unfortunately I can''t try too much of this out as Visual Studio 2003 keeps crashing when loading any of my setup projects - strange...
Right maybe I''m a little confused.

How do add an Ico file to an Exe?

Simply add the resource to it, if i remember correctly the first resource icon will be assigned to the program.
Im sure I tried that, oh well I''ll give it another go.

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