The Health Metre, who needs it?
First there were lives and now there''s health metres. The impact that these changes have had on games have been quite profound. So why not work out a better system to using health metres. Shields are basically another layer of the health meter which doesn''t really add that much past the point of having health.
Why not scrap health metres altogether? You could just have armout class instead... either your hit or you not. Or something along these lines.
I love Game Design and it loves me back.
Our Goal is "Fun"!
A good system for 3d shooters and such is the body part damage system, this has been used in a few games (can''t think of any off the top of my head). Basically you divide the body up into several segments (torso, head, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg) and each takes damage seperately. Being damaged in a certain area has a certain affect - being shot in the head will most likely kill you while being short in the leg will make you limp badly, slowing movement speed. There can be varying levels of injury too, so while a small fracture in the leg might slow you down a little bit, having your leg blown off would result in you practically crawling on the floor.
This system works really well in 3d shooters - most 3d shooters already implement damage areas on the body (i.e. Soldier of Fortune for the most.. vivid.. example.) Making these damage areas map to body parts is relatively simple and could add a lot of depth to a FPS, especially in multiplayer mode.
-RWarden (
This system works really well in 3d shooters - most 3d shooters already implement damage areas on the body (i.e. Soldier of Fortune for the most.. vivid.. example.) Making these damage areas map to body parts is relatively simple and could add a lot of depth to a FPS, especially in multiplayer mode.
-RWarden (
The body part damage system would work well in RPGs also.
Then you could figure out what part of the body was protected. Like, if you''re wearing armor on your chest but not on your arms the arms would be easier to hit.
Instead of a health meter a textual or graphical representation of how hurt you are would be more realistic.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake
"The road of excess also just ends up making me tired because I'm too lazy" --Nazrix
Then you could figure out what part of the body was protected. Like, if you''re wearing armor on your chest but not on your arms the arms would be easier to hit.
Instead of a health meter a textual or graphical representation of how hurt you are would be more realistic.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake
"The road of excess also just ends up making me tired because I'm too lazy" --Nazrix
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Again, it depends on the game. I envy Bushido Blade for it''s lack of a health meter, but if you took the health meter out of Soul Calibur you''d be destroying a terrific game. Think carefully about what you want and choose your design accordingly.
And you all know my dream... to create a game where the health meter is unneeded because cobat only happens as often as it actually would in a very violent society! Where wounds are obvious because they occur so rarely! Wheee. It''ll never happen.
And you all know my dream... to create a game where the health meter is unneeded because cobat only happens as often as it actually would in a very violent society! Where wounds are obvious because they occur so rarely! Wheee. It''ll never happen.

=====Are you aware that the people who bring you television actually refer to it openly as "programming?"
Just look at the game, trespasser. Instead of a health meter it had a ''health'' tatoo. Depending on how hurt you were, it would change colors, and if you died, it would have a skull and crossbones over it. It was kinda neat but I still prefer the idea of having a body part damage system.
Shrapnel Games
Shrapnel Games
What about using a health status system like how trolls get hurts in DnD. When your hit you lose critical abilities, if you''re given enough time then these abilities will regenerate. So the idea is to "make sure" your apponent is dead before leaving them.
Or having weakness systems, in this system you the player chose what will hurt you most (fire, water etc) and what will not. So your human opponents have to find out and well as you finding out about their weaknesses.
Also, what would it be like if your health wasn''t displayed but you still had it. Why not as least have this option in the game anyhow? Just for fun.
I love Game Design and it loves me back.
Our Goal is "Fun"!
Or having weakness systems, in this system you the player chose what will hurt you most (fire, water etc) and what will not. So your human opponents have to find out and well as you finding out about their weaknesses.
Also, what would it be like if your health wasn''t displayed but you still had it. Why not as least have this option in the game anyhow? Just for fun.
I love Game Design and it loves me back.
Our Goal is "Fun"!
The armed goblin approaches angrily.> attack goblinThe swing is wild, and glances the goblin''s shield.The goblin takes a stab at your abdomen.Ouch, that hurt> examine woundIt looks pretty bad, your leather armor is rent up and blood is trickling out.The goblin takes another stab at your abdomen.Ouch, that REALLY hurt.You feel yourself getting weaker.> fleeYou manage to run away from the goblin far enough for him to lose you before you collapse in exhaustion.> examine woundIt looks terrible, your leather armor is useless now, and you''ll need a physician to close that wound.
That''s how I''d do my health and interaction system.
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
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It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Keith, did I ever know that you''re my hero? You''re everything I wish I could be. In fact, I could fly higher than an eagle...

======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Pfft, enough ego rub already Landfish, get some comments in so we can argue!
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
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ERROR: Your beta-version of Life1.0 has expired. Please upgrade to the full version. All important social functions will be disabled from now on.
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
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ERROR: Your beta-version of Life1.0 has expired. Please upgrade to the full version. All important social functions will be disabled from now on.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
So let''s build on that scenario, shall we? Where does it go from there. How are physicians handled? Will you just walk away fine after each visit? Or does he demand that you wear a cast and use crutches, and eventually suffer a nervous breakdown from caring for so many "adventurers" who ignore his diagnosis?
More importantly, how are you going to handle a hit-by-location system in a text based RPG? What about a realtime one? Hmm?
Wow. Enough questions for you?
So let''s build on that scenario, shall we? Where does it go from there. How are physicians handled? Will you just walk away fine after each visit? Or does he demand that you wear a cast and use crutches, and eventually suffer a nervous breakdown from caring for so many "adventurers" who ignore his diagnosis?
More importantly, how are you going to handle a hit-by-location system in a text based RPG? What about a realtime one? Hmm?
Wow. Enough questions for you?
=====Are you aware that the people who bring you television actually refer to it openly as "programming?"
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