
Multiple CG Vertex Shaders ?

Started by January 19, 2004 10:43 PM
2 comments, last by Tree Penguin 21 years, 1 month ago
I have implemented vertex shaders successfully for one vertex program. When i try to use multiple vertex shaders (still, only one vertex shader is used at a time) the objects disappear. I use a part of the code of nehe''s lesson 47, does anyone know the proper way to use multiple vertex shaders (except loading and unloading cg completely every frame, that sucks ).

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Well, i tried that and the objects disappear, i think it has to do with my loading. I now:

1. Create the CG Context
2. cgVertexProfile = cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX)
3. cgGLSetOptimalOptions(cgVertexProfile)
4. cgProgram = cgCreateProgramFromFile(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, "CG/", cgVertexProfile, "main", 0)
5. cgGLLoadProgram(cgProgram)
6. Init binding semantics (variables are shared with the other vertex shader.
7. Do step 4,5,6 again, with another program variable and a diffirent filename

Has it something to do with the fact the programs share the variables? Or is it something i forgot when initialising (error checking is also in my code, but it terminates the program if an error occurs).
I got it working i shared variables, which appearently isn''t valid and i had invalid code in the shader what made the whole object disappear.

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