
First Effort

Started by January 19, 2004 03:19 PM
10 comments, last by trager 21 years, 1 month ago
Just finished this, it's my first game using openGL and true to form it's a Pong clone. Please check it out and tell me how long it takes before it crashes . windows only, sorry! thanks trager [edited by - trager on January 26, 2004 6:27:39 AM]
First off. Congrats on your first!

I love the way you start play with the explosion. Either I am REALLY bad at pong or the computer is unbeatable (only tried easy). Colors blend well the game feels done. Overall, great work guys.

"If you are not willing to try, you will never succeed!"

"If you are not willing to try, you will never succeed!"GrellinC++ Game Programming
thanks for your comments.

The ai can be beat it just takes a little doing even on Easy. May take a bit of luck (and a packet of pain killers) to beat it on Twister.

I suppose I''ve had too much practice whilst I was coding.
Nice one.

Plays well, is beatable and nice to look at...............

Loved the credits scrolling a la the commodore 64......MMMmmm
Nice first game.

Funny, for my first game, I did a pong game with a particle ball too :
Yeah I liked the credits wasn''t my idea it was the other programmers, Joseph Thompson. Really simple to do.

Same with the particle ball before this game I had never done a particle effect but joseph had been working on a particle engine before this so that kinda helped.

The only orginal idea I come up with was twister and that was an accident whilst learning how to use glRotate.

Anyway glad people liked it, I will be putting all the source up as soon as my website is sorted.

Thanks again

I believe the explosion was your idea too Trager .

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?
Joseph Thomson - CLS Productions
Joseph Thomson - CLS Productions
nice I like, can''t say I''m a pong fan though. couldn''t beat it on hard

but the setup was, er, borken a bit.. it adds the program ''setup'' to the add/remove programs list... heh
Doubt there is such a thing as a Pong fan but it is a rather obvious first game.

It is also the first VC++ setup project I''ve made so expected a few problems with it. Just a quick question despite being incorrectly named did it delete the game?
yes it did... nice particle effect!

"Knowledge is no more expensive than ignorance, and at least as satisfying." -Barrin
"Knowledge is no more expensive than ignorance, and at least as satisfying." -Barrin

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