IPicture (Tranparency with Gif Files)
i am using the Ipicture code from the nehe. but this code only makes black tranparent. i am using gif and want to make the tranparent areas in the gif transparent on the screen but they show up as white on the screen at the moment.
// Convert From BGR To RGB Format And Add An Alpha Value Of 255
for(long i = 0; i < lWidthPixels * lHeightPixels; i++) // Loop Through All Of The Pixels
BYTE* pPixel = (BYTE*)(&pBits); BYTE temp = pPixel[0]; pPixel[0] = pPixel[2]; pPixel[2] = temp;
if ((pPixel[0]==0) && (pPixel[1]==0) && (pPixel[2]==0))
pPixel[3] = 0; else
pPixel[3] = 255;
i have this in the initGL function
i was wondering how do i set it up so that the transparency to be transparent and not the black be transparent.
I was also wondering what the #include <olectl.h> header file is and whats its use.
Hopefully this makes sence. i am a newbie to opengl
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