
dialog box

Started by January 11, 2004 04:18 PM
3 comments, last by dennizzz 21 years, 1 month ago
I want a dialog box to appear first when I execute my OGL application. Just for showing a picture and a run and a cancel button. And maybe some resolutions choice (not very important)... any one knows where to find a nice and easy understanding example?
The Nehe basecode pops up a dialog for the user to select whether they want fullscreen or not, why can''t you use that and modify it to suit your needs?

Amusing quote deleted at request of owner
----------------Amusing quote deleted at request of owner
:O) i was doing this for the last few weeks, the example i could give tho is probably very confusing,im a noob and my code isnt exactly good.

hope it helps

!!My bRaiN is FiLLEd With HappY Juice!!
I you are using win32/mfc try adding a resource script (and header), then use this code to load a dialog:

CDialog d;

This will create a dialog and return when the user clicks yes, no, ok, cancel or exits the window otherwise (=cancel).
Just the other day, I unlazied enough to write something like this. It was rather simple, but it gets the job done. I made a small dialog window in Visual C++ 6 and saved the .rc. Then I wrote a header file for it, and now all I have to do is call one function. I''m proud of it :D

Basically, it''s a VideoSettings structure; it holds width, height, bits per pixel, and a fullscreen flag. You create a structure in the main function (or wherever you want), pass the pointer to the run function (with the handle of the instance of the application as well), and it''ll pop-up the dialog and grab settings. It''ll return one of a few predefined constants representing what button the user pressed. I use it similar to below:

#include "VideoSettings.h"// Somewhere in main functionVideoSettings vs;LRESULT Result;Result = RunVideoSettings(hInstance, &vs);if (Result == VS_ERROR){    MessageBox(NULL, "Error launching Video Settings dialog.", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);    // Shutdown stuff    return 0;}else if (Result == VS_EXIT){    // Quit program    return 0;}// Else, it returned VS_RUN, so run program here

Then I add the .rc file to the project.

and it looks like this:

and here''s the source if you want to use it:

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