
Who is everyone?

Started by January 11, 2004 03:26 AM
14 comments, last by Tower888 21 years, 1 month ago
I''m a programming student at DigiPen Institute of Technology and am interested in audio and music. I''m creating this topic as a place for everyone to post a small bit about themselves if they want, and most importantly any links to their creations.
Wazzup yo. I'm a part-time indie game developer, part time indie game music composer, full time unemployment statistic

I'm the guy responsible for the legendary (hehehe, I wish) QBasic RPG The ARC Legacy, which I'm re-making in Allegro at the moment (this time I'm also doing a full soundtrack rather than the original's occasional PC speaker bleeps, heh). Got my start with MOD and XM tracking, though I've migrated to MIDI sequencing recently. Anyway here's my music page for you to peruse if you're up to it.

School? Went into the two-year Computer Systems Technology program at BCIT and totally screwed it up and failed a buncha courses so it took me three years to finish the first year and I might not be accepted back in for the second year in September. Blah.

I'm probably going to shift my career focus from programming to audio/music though.

Mark Hall
Abstract Productions

[edited by - XMark on January 11, 2004 5:12:32 AM]
Hello, My name is Matt and I am currently a student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Music Education with a minor in Computer Science. I have been composing midi music for a good year and a half - 2 years. Im now moving up and learning the things required to do more realistic audio design. The programs seem to be way above my budget right now so we are gonna have to wait on those fancy programs.

Anyways nothing else really been playing French Horn for about 9 years now, Piano for 3, Trumpet/Flugel 5 and thats about it.
Matt BangertVice President"The Best kept secret in the Gaming World."
Hmm...I''m the ultimate High School Graduate. Haven''t finished more than 2 weeks of college. There really is nothing special about me experience wise, because I''m probably the least professionally experience person in this entire forum. -_-

Anyway, my site...

Just go to the Demo Page for samples of my music.

My Site
Hi, I''m the forum mod

I''m a uni student, studying Software Engineering and Business.

I''ve been playing piano for many years (about 14, IIRC)

I''m a bit of an all-rounder in Game Development. Coding, music, art, the lot. It means I never get bored

I don''t have any music creations online at the moment, but I do have a game, which features a really quite crappy sound track (it was a 20-minute job, start to finish). Grab it from my siggy.

Free Game: Yet Another Falling Block Game
Ben ''Magic'' Brown. 20, M, Middlesbrough, UK.
Sound editor and voice actor. I lead a modding group - as in modifications for games, not .mod''s -the Star Alliance (, which also runs a voice acting guild:
I''m usually around here to find composers for mods I''m involved in, or questions about sound editing.
cultural agitator, universal (apply as needed) suffragist, polymorphous pervert or whatever that wanker called it, mandatory hallucinogen use lobbyist, 'synthedit evangelist' - uncelebrated maker of the world's first free formant shifter and some other stuff.

having less cultural, or other affiliations (eschewing affiliation.. being directly at war with the institutionalist meme.. which would include money/jobs) my audio skills prolly quantifiably rate highest in timbrality.

making free music for free games brought me here, i like to hang out and offer an alternative to "spend $400 on this piece of crap" style advice. haven't offered any free music in a while because generally requests are like "make some techno, fast" roll eyes - edit - that is to imply that, when making music for a game, it is more interesting to have some sense of atmosphere, mileu.. ya know? bloody missionary positionists.

some music up at tho most of it is algorithmic composition w/ synthedit (ie. most people = snooze) and some vsti plugs are at

so far, only code in rapid q (not fast enuff for games on a 299) since installing gcc is like some kind of hermetic secret.

[edited by - xoxos on January 13, 2004 2:52:24 PM]
neither a follower nor a leader be
Previously a custom business app developer. Mostly for automotive data.

I sunk out of it because of the stress at the workplace. Couldn''t stand the people and the BS.

Just trying to get "the spark" back and figure out what it was I really wanted to be when I grew up.
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
21 year old student worker, I''ve been playing music since I was a wee lad, but I started making music digitally about 8 years ago, with the old trackers, and I''ve worked on a few small project here and there, with the promise of a few neat ones on the horizon! Might even get paid this time.

I''m currently finishing a year taken out of college for health problems, and planning to head back on my way to a CS degree by fall, then see where the world takes me.
I guess I''m coming from the other direction. I''ve done a BA in music, as well as a post-grad in composition, then got a teaching qualification in Music and Drama for 11-18 yr olds, realised I hated teaching in schools, so decided to do what I enjoy most - compose. Since then (April 03) I''ve set up Ryerson Sound Solutions, for which I make audio for games and film (music/sfx/vo), as well as any other sound projects that come my way. Anyone else live in Devon?

Barry Ryerson
Head of Audio Development
Ryerson Sound Solutions
Barry RyersonHead of Audio DevelopmentRyerson Sound SolutionsURL:

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