WinProc and wParam
I have split the code into several source files and now I dont seem to be able to at all catch key inputs from wParam. For example, if I hard code a global variable to be VK_ESCAPE, then it will take on the value (of course), but if i assign wParam as the value of that variable, pressing the ESC key while the window is running does not set the value to VK_ESCAPE (i know because the program does not quit).
Can anyone possibly tell me why wParam might not be sending key messages?
Erm... the only thing I can think of, based on your post, is that you''re not processing the messages correctly. Since I quite honestly cannot understand your problem 100%, you might want to post some code.

"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
Ok this is my input.c file. WinPro is called from CreateGLWindow, just like in the original NeHe code.
For some reason wParam does to seem to give any value to the array index, or to normal variable when i tried it.
[edited by - Mr Lane on January 10, 2004 12:37:32 PM]
#include "Input.h"int keys[256];int getInput(MSG msg, input_t *input){ if (msg.message==WM_QUIT) // Have We Received A Quit Message? { input->bQuit=TRUE; return 1; //Returing 1 will result in calling function } //Requesting a quit. if (msg.message==WM_KEYDOWN) { if (keys[VK_ESCAPE]==TRUE) { input->bQuit=TRUE; keys[VK_ESCAPE] = FALSE; return 1; } /* if (keyNum==VK_UP) { input->bLeft=TRUE; } if (keyNum==VK_DOWN) { input->bDown=TRUE; } if (keyNum==VK_LEFT) { input->bLeft=TRUE; } if (keyNum==VK_RIGHT) { input->bRight=TRUE; }*/ } return 0;}LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd, // Handle For This Window UINT uMsg, // Message For This Window WPARAM wParam, // Additional Message Information LPARAM lParam) // Additional Message Information{ switch (uMsg) // Check For Windows Messages {/* case WM_ACTIVATE: // Watch For Window Activate Message { if (!HIWORD(wParam)) // Check Minimization State { active=TRUE; // Program Is Active } else { active=FALSE; // Program Is No Longer Active } return 0; // Return To The Message Loop }*/ case WM_SYSCOMMAND: // Intercept System Commands { switch (wParam) // Check System Calls { case SC_SCREENSAVE: // Screensaver Trying To Start? case SC_MONITORPOWER: // Monitor Trying To Enter Powersave? return 0; // Prevent From Happening } break; // Exit } case WM_CLOSE: // Did We Receive A Close Message? { PostQuitMessage(0); // Send A Quit Message return 0; // Jump Back } case WM_KEYDOWN: // Is A Key Being Held Down? { keys[wParam] = TRUE; // If So, Mark It As TRUE return 0; // Jump Back } case WM_KEYUP: // Has A Key Been Released? { keys[wParam] = FALSE; // If So, Mark It As FALSE return 0; // Jump Back } case WM_SIZE: // Resize The OpenGL Window { ReSizeGLScene(LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam)); // LoWord=Width, HiWord=Height return 0; // Jump Back } } // Pass All Unhandled Messages To DefWindowProc return DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);}
For some reason wParam does to seem to give any value to the array index, or to normal variable when i tried it.
[edited by - Mr Lane on January 10, 2004 12:37:32 PM]
Problem solved. The key array was declared in 2 locations. (yes you may laugh at me)
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