
Bash terminology

Started by January 07, 2004 07:18 AM
11 comments, last by polly 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi there, Im learning Linux and CLI (Bash) at the moment and I have a couple of questions on the actual spoken terminology that is used. For example I have heard the following symbol (phonetic exclamation mark) called "bang"; !, but I am unsure if this is correct or not. If so, what other spoken terminology exists for symbols such as *, $, <, >, and so on? This may seem an elementary question, but its not in any of the stuff I''ve read as yet, only the symbols are. Does the name of each of these characters depend upon the context in which its being used? i.e. if you''re writing a Perl script rather than a .sh file then they are called something else? Jon
Typically I use the following "phonetics" for symbols. Most are the same as anyone would use.

! bang (i''ve also heard "emphatic" )
# hash
$ dollar sign
< less than
> greater than
* star
# is also referenced as ''sharp'', not only for C# but I think also for the classic #! -> sha-bang (sp?), though I''m not 100% sure on this one.
quote: Original post by LousyPhreak
# is also referenced as ''sharp'', not only for C# but I think also for the classic #! -> sha-bang (sp?), though I''m not 100% sure on this one.

I always thought sharp for # came from the sheet music term.

Also | (above \) is called pipe
~ is tilde (though I call it squiggle)

- WarbleWare
Tadd- WarbleWare
Check the entry on ASCII in the Jargon File.

[edited by - Snaily on January 8, 2004 11:45:38 AM]
hash-bang-slash-bin-slash-bash == #!/bin/bash

Have never heard anyone refer to #! as sha-bang or the # as "sharp". Not in a *nix context, at least.

'' tick
` back tick - I''ve heard this symbol referred to as something else, but can''t remember it now. Many years ago.
^ carrot/caret
quote: Original post by pwd
` back tick - I''ve heard this symbol referred to as something else, but can''t remember it now. Many years ago.

Thanks for the info and links guys- I''ll now be able to express what I mean to people at work with out sounding like a total div!
the Sha-Bang
quote: Original post by sbennett
quote: Original post by pwd
` back tick - I''ve heard this symbol referred to as something else, but can''t remember it now. Many years ago.


It was stranger than that. Some random slang from the AT&T days.

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