
Pictures of your setup

Started by December 30, 2003 06:59 AM
7 comments, last by Andrew Russell 21 years, 2 months ago
Someone posted their setup here: Sounds like a great idea for a thread, eh? Here's mine whenever I'm doing some sound work (excuse quality - webcam), unfortunatly, it dosn't work well for any non-sound work, so I don't normaly keep it like that. The keyboard you see there is a Yamaha Clavinova, with wavetable synth, fullsized weighted keyboard, MIDI, etc. Very nice. The computer is running a SB Live Platinum (Live Drive 2), which is really very nice. The software: Cakewalk Audio (some version or another) for sequencing and recording (came with sound card), and more recently (after that photo), Reason 2.5 for synthisis. The speakers are Altec Lansing (4.1), but I normaly use the piano's built in speakers, unless I'm doing something distinctly non-pianoish. The monitor: is resting procariously on the edge. I think next I'd like some sort of MIDI slider (I made a thread about it ages ago, still havn't a cheep one, or the cash for an expensive one), and also a decent microphone. Anyway, do post some of your pictures and specs.
Free Game: Yet Another Falling Block Game [edited by - Andrew Russell on December 30, 2003 8:00:24 AM]
Im using a Yamaha PSR520 keyboard, E-MU Proteus 2000, Yamaha Motif ES8, Behringer Mixer, MAudio Quattro USB interface,
Sony Professional headphones MDR-7506, Sonar 2.2, and a few other goodies for working with wav/mp3s oh yeah and the sound card is a built in soundcard

heh - I just noticed the cat in that photo
Ahhh, this is what I like. A hardcore subculture of gamedev.
cat always likes getting up on my keyboards... I think shes just now starting to leave them alone I don''t mind her getting on the black one due to the window being there but geez don''t get paw prints on the gray one!!!!! noooooo kitty nooooo!

lol do you actually post up the jpeg?
Anyway, here''s an action-chase type sample which is mostly orchestral with a little percussion (only 30 secs mp3) that I did as a demo for a local game company. Let me know what you guys think.
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:
I don''t have a pic of my set-up indoors, but here''s one outside I use for promo:

I use 14 pads of electronic drums, a studiologic keyboard controller, and a studiologic pedalboard all hooked into an EMU ESI-32 with turbo card with digital S/PDIF cable to the computer system for recording.
-solo (my site)
"I think next I'd like some sort of MIDI slider (I made a thread about it ages ago, still havn't a cheep one, or the cash for an expensive one), and also a decent microphone."

If you're talking about a "control box" with sliders and knobs you can use to control vst intruments and such, I saw a decent looking one at Guitar Center for around $60. Also, The bare minimum microphone would be a Sure Sm-57 for a dynamic mic (good for recording things like drums) which will run you about $75 and/or a rode NT1-a Condenser mic. for things like guitar and vocals. (I think they about $125) You also will likely need a good preamp to make them sound decent. When you start getting into hardware, the costs of stuff just seems to keep compounding on itself, lol. Good luck, hope to hear some good music out of you!


[edited by - Evan on January 6, 2004 10:14:20 PM]
mmmn, I havn''t given it much thought lately. I''m in a programing "stage" at the moment, rather than musical (which is a good thing, seeing I''m "lead programer" on my current project )

I seem to recall the controler I saw being in the 100-200 USD range, so it''s good to know you can do cheeper. Equipement sure seems expensive, especialy for someone who''s spent most of their time either doing software stuff and has previously had access to a studio for free.

I suppose I''ll jot those down for when I''m getting back into doing music work.

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