but if they are free, how can they be good? everybody knows if it''s free, it''s only good if it''s ANVIL™ because only ANVIL™ makes the shit with proper shitness. you need ANVIL™ to tell you what you need, otherwise you are not FREE™
not the software monitoring function that should better be disabled, no?
on my shitty PC logic runs just fine, it''s the best program, regarding so much things, that I ever got my hands on, and the EQs and FX are just great :D
Original post by UnshavenBastard what latency are you referring to??
I''m referring to the fact that when I recorded one audio track over another, it would start Much later than it should. Not just a few ms out, but between 1/4 to 1/2 a second between me making the sound and it hitting the disk. Not acceptable!
not the software monitoring function that should better be disabled, no?
Well, I''ve no idea what could be wrong, but I didn''t have all year to find out. I couldn''t see any options that would instantly fix it after playing around for an hour or two so I went back to Cakewalk 9 which has no noticeable latency even after 8 tracks of audio.
mmm, i get a ~10ms latency out of logic 4 on a 1.2g athlon if i need it. imo the way to configure a daw is to observe and correlate host/hw compatabilities. don't just buy a fast computer and the s/w you want.. wait until you can find 1/2 dozen examples of people with working systems..
[off-topic content deleted -- Kylotan]
[edited by - Kylotan on January 25, 2004 8:50:54 PM]