
Why i like nehe forums.

Started by December 26, 2003 09:31 PM
6 comments, last by Xnin 21 years, 2 months ago
So far, almost every forum i've been to, i get geeks keeping things to themselves and never share their knowledge. These type of people REALLY piss me off (even more than Osama Binladen and Saddam!). Why the F*** are they like that? NEHE forums is one of VERY few forums where people are actually helpfull to each other. Actually probably the only forum where people are helpfull. I Really hope it stays like this! Sorry for the rant but i had to flush it out of my system. [edited by - xnin on December 26, 2003 10:33:12 PM]
Hah well that''s how some geeks are: self-absorbed. The trick to getting the geek to talk, I have found, is to make some blatantly false statement and they will spend so much time trying to correct you in order to establish superiority (whatever that is). Glad you like here ^_^, it''s been a little slow recently though.
My fellow Americans I have just signed legislation that outlaws Russia forever. Bombing will commence in five minutes.
Original post by uber_n00b
The trick to getting the geek to talk, I have found, is to make some blatantly false statement and they will spend so much time trying to correct you in order to establish superiority (whatever that is).

Nice trick!
How about another one, ask politely. The number one reason people wont talk, is alot of newbies dont do prior research on the questions (thus asking stupid questions) or ask in a rude manner.
Original post by PaulCesar
How about another one, ask politely. The number one reason people wont talk, is alot of newbies dont do prior research on the questions (thus asking stupid questions) or ask in a rude manner.

I can understand people getting cranky at that sort of stuff (hell even i will probably get angry) but what i've noticed is that they look for an oppurtunity pick on new members (or with post counts less than theres).
trying to correct you in order to establish superiority (whatever that is).

It's e-penis!

[edited by - xnin on December 27, 2003 2:53:50 AM]
helping is good.

I suppose this forum is sorta likea really big private forum. private forums are always good and proper.. pulic ones where people feel they are anonymous always end up as one big ego fur ball.
well a lot of em are, but it depends on the scene...

beyond this forum, i visit 2 more

They also are extremely relaxed and people really help you there, since most/all visitors are or act mature. No "l33t h4ck0rz", but professional coders, like here
I find that the forums are pretty decent as a whole, although the types that like to play "know-it-all" and belittle others (in their subtle ways) are definitely around. I don''t hesitate to flame someone who is "helping" in an arrogant and/or curt manner; if they''re "helping" me I''d rather they just skipped the thread entirely than respond in a rude way under the guise of being a "helpful guy". Sometimes the "newbie" does need a wakeup call so they mind their manners a little better, but often I''ve seen people ask perfectly valid questions in a nice way and still get some idiot posting a one liner that really offers no help at all.

Anyway, I''m considering using Nehe in my next 3D "project" (whatever that''s going to be), so it''s encouraging to hear this here.

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