
Problem with nvidia drivers and slackware 9.1

Started by December 25, 2003 11:57 AM
1 comment, last by tHiSiSbOb 20 years, 8 months ago
I just installed the nvidia drivers for my Geforce 4 MX 420 card. They work perfectly while in X, but when I kill X or switch to another terminal there is nothing on the screen but a few colored pixels. If I change drivers back to vesa, the problem disapears so it is obviously the drivers. Does anyone know what could be causeing this??
----------------------------------------------------"Plant a tree. Remove a Bush" -A bumper sticker I saw.
What version of the drivers are you using? Some of the early 4xxx series caused problems like that. If you''re using a completely up-to-date 4xxx release, try the last 3xxx release (they were less buggy in some ways; I really can''t say if 4xxx has fixed all of its problems that weren''t in 3xxx).

If it makes you feel better, if I shut down Xwindows (with or without the nvidia drivers), my console freaks out and has lines down it. I''ve never heard of anyone fixing this problem on this particular computer. [Dell Inspiron 2650]

If anyone knows how to fix it.. lemme know. ;-) It''d be nice to have VCs back. (Also, I''m not sure if this relates to your problem, so I mentioned it.)


All polynomials are funny - some to a higher degree.
Furthermore, polynomials of degree zero are constantly funny.
All polynomials are funny - some to a higher degree.Furthermore, polynomials of degree zero are constantly funny.

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