
If you were to design a course....

Started by December 19, 2003 08:43 PM
1 comment, last by a1hatch 21 years, 1 month ago
Basically, the situation at hand is im doing a directed study for my college, in designing computer graphics II. I took computer graphics I, the pioneering semester it was taught with openGL, and now the professor is looking to teach Comp. Graphics II, which will be a sort of "Real Time Simulation" course, the focus being on developing a small game engine focused on the rpg genre. It can be as simple as a one-room dungeon, to a full world, but we(my friend and I) have to design it so the course can be taught within the construct of roughly 3 and a half months. A daunting task, to say the least. So basically at this point we are looking for books and software. We have 600 dollars to spend towards the development, 150 of which are going to a graphics card for the professors computer to test out the code. so about 450 is left for books and software. What we are thinking of doing, course-wise, is an expansion where the last class left off. We finished off designing simple 3d models of robots. Our plan is to advance that model to do simple movement animations. After that we''d use a program(not sure which, looking for most cheapest/practical for the situation) to model an ACTUAL character, and load it with c++/openGL, as well as developing a simple world/stage. After that, wed go into the development of a graphics engine, one that can load models/the world, including partial, simple particle effects and the such. Next would come a physics engine to apply simple physics to the game, effects, movement, etc. The final stage would be the implimentation of it all, loading/animating the character into the world/stage and giving simple keyboard/mouse commands to move the character/have him fight simple creatures. We have decent grasps on openGL, enough to design/load a model of our own, and apply simple movement animations to it(that was the final project of graphics 1). Our main concern at the moment is how to tackle such as task to fit it into a 3-4 month course. Why we come to you, the gamedev community, is trust in opinion. There are some really talented people here who''s opinions we have trusted for some time, and look to you for advice. What books/software do you all recommend to tackle the task, what do you recommend for modelling programs that arent super expensive(hello 3ds max , we looked at some free modellers, etc, but are still unsure), anything you might deem useful to us. Books we are looking at to purchase atm: openGL superbible of course Swords and Circutry Game Architecture and Design Massively Multiplayer Game Development The course wont be a massive game development, as there isnt enough time in one semester, but more or less an introduction for students into game development, giving them an idea on how to design a graphics/game engine, in an RPG situation. So thats the task. Please give us any feedback if you have ideas on how to approach this that might help, and any suggestions on software/reading material. We have an action plan to go with, but as I said, we trust the opinion of the community, so any advice will be greatly appreciated. thanks guys, wish us luck! :D
We have 600 dollars to spend towards the development, 150 of which are going to a graphics card for the professors computer to test out the code. so about 450 is left for books and software.

I think there''s too few money to think of non-free software, so maybe you should get just open source projects and lots of books (5-6 of them come handy in that amount of money).


What we are thinking of doing, course-wise, is an expansion where the last class left off. We finished off designing simple 3d models of robots. Our plan is to advance that model to do simple movement animations. After that we''d use a program(not sure which, looking for most cheapest/practical for the situation) to model an ACTUAL character, and load it with c++/openGL, as well as developing a simple world/stage. After that, wed go into the development of a graphics engine, one that can load models/the world, including partial, simple particle effects and the such. Next would come a physics engine to apply simple physics to the game, effects, movement, etc. The final stage would be the implimentation of it all, loading/animating the character into the world/stage and giving simple keyboard/mouse commands to move the character/have him fight simple creatures.

We have decent grasps on openGL, enough to design/load a model of our own, and apply simple movement animations to it(that was the final project of graphics 1). Our main concern at the moment is how to tackle such as task to fit it into a 3-4 month course.

IMO, a good way to fit everything in a 3-4 months course is to give talks on how to *assemble* things, instead of showing how to *do* things. There are lots of code snippets out there, so they can learn basic graphics stuff from them if they didn''t do it before (in the Comp GFX I course, for example) and then see how the pieces fit into the puzzle. From my experience, students love to get final results as soon as possible, so if there''s hard work in between without nice and quick results their interest will drop fast. With good code snippets this is possible, while still having to learn the important stuff.


openGL superbible of course

You can have the OpenGL red & blue books which are available for free. They''re pretty much enough for everything you should need at this stage.


Swords and Circutry

This does not follow the course''s topics. Read some research papers about it (those about creating virtual worlds and player''s immersion would be great), get some papers about medieval worlds and a copy of the D&D 2nd or 3rd rules (or maybe read the D20 system rules) and make a good tutorial about the main issues (10-15 pages), plus a game example/idea (3-5 pages).


Game Architecture and Design

Again, this falls outside the course''s topics. Just read the dedicated threads on the main game development sites (like gamedev ) and come up yourselves with a short tutorial (5-10 pages).


Massively Multiplayer Game Development

The course wont be a massive game development, as there isnt enough time in one semester, but more or less an introduction for students into game development, giving them an idea on how to design a graphics/game engine, in an RPG situation.

Having a good game idea to play with is very nice, and final projects such as MM Games are nice, but require lots of knowledge about networking, file systems and alike. You could end up losing the *graphics* focus.


So thats the task. Please give us any feedback if you have ideas on how to approach this that might help, and any suggestions on software/reading material. We have an action plan to go with, but as I said, we trust the opinion of the community, so any advice will be greatly appreciated. thanks guys, wish us luck! :D

Having games as the mean of propagating graphics algorithms and stuff works great. The main problem is how to keep the focus of the students on graphics (with so much more being involved in games programming) and how to keep the fun stats of the project high (e.g. the fun outcome at high pace, because otherwise students will lose interest and feel the frustration of yet-another-boring-course-with-lotsa-homeworks-to-do).

Good luck with your course


thanks thats some good input, we appreciate such a well thought out response, definately taking some suggestions into consideration

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