
What distro to use...

Started by December 18, 2003 05:54 PM
8 comments, last by nagromo 20 years, 8 months ago
I have Mandrake, but I couldn''t access the internet. I just got Knoppix, and it works! The only problem is the whole CD is my OS thing. I want advice for a good distro for intermediate users. I have a good connection and have dl''ed (legal) ISO''s before. What is a good distro besides Mandrake(didn''t work), RedHat(no more support), and gentoo(many people hate it)?
LOL if one thing is not working, lets try another distribution???

What about fixing the problem?

I use Fedora Core 1 and its great (had Redhat be4).

Gentoo and Mandrake are nice too imho....

And regarding support: Open Source/Linux Community has the best support ever! Just check out irc, forums: e.g. gentoo forums, and of course

One word: Debian.
I have been trying for weeks, I have tried multiple posts here and elsewhere, and Mandrake doesn''t work but Knoppix does. I don''t want to try for another two weeks just to use Linux instead of Windows.
If you''re sure you don''t want to use Gentoo, then go with Debian. Get the unstable version, though, as stable uses fairly out-of-date packages. It does have a fairly steep learning curve, and the default installer isn''t great, but it''s worth it. Also, if you do download the CD set, don''t bother getting more than the first two discs. Once you''ve done the basic install from those, setup apt to get its packages from a debian mirror.

[edited by - Leffe on December 19, 2003 4:22:13 PM]
Just out of curiosity, has any sense been talked back into Volkerding? Last time I used Slackware (9.0), the ISO image didn''t ship without about a dozen (relatively) standard libs, and that really turned me off from Slack, given its poor package management (which is fine overall, as long as you don''t need to track down 500 different dependencies).

The Artist Formerly Known as CmndrM
I don't know, I use Swaret.


Which reminds me, I should download the latest version of Swaret, it doesn't upgrade itself

[edited by - Leffe on December 19, 2003 4:29:31 PM]
I guess I was too hasty in saying no to Gentoo and Red Hat. I was on IRC asking for help, and people asked me if I was using Gentoo like it is a bad thing. I didn''t know that it would juxt be hard to troubleshoot because of its nature. Also, I have a list of distros, but I am looking for pros and cons of different systems.
Sounds to me like your looking for something called Lindows.
if you just want something as easy to use/install as Windows, then you may as well get Lindows

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