
C language opengl ui?

Started by December 18, 2003 05:23 PM
-1 comments, last by PPerkins 21 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I''m writing a little C program which is my first real foray into opengl, and I''m feeling the need for a more structured and useful UI than just pressing keys - also, I''m about halfway through the capital letters, having used up all the lowercase ones! I''ve looked, and found glui, pui, glow, which are a bit OTT for what I need, but I would use them, except my C++ is rusty and about 10 years out of date, and I don''t really feel equal to the challenge of C++-ising my existing code, nor relearning that language sufficiently to make it useable for me - this is a ''leisure coding'' project.. Also, the code is to run full-screen, so I don''t really want interface elements generating their own new windows, just (probably ortho-mode) overlays on the existing window. A lot of stuff must have been written which has game-type menu and interface code, so I assumed there would be some lib of this type out there, hopefully Free and hopefully in C, but having looked quite hard, I can''t find it.. Anyone know anything that might help me out? Cheers! (And - please! I know C++ is a great language - it''s just my personal choice not to use it in this circumstance - I''m really not wanting to spark any religious wars, I''m just looking for something written in plain old C.. :-)

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