
Need help with lesson 6...

Started by December 14, 2003 10:41 PM
1 comment, last by kfoong 21 years, 2 months ago
Hello, I''m having some trouble compiling Lesson 6. The compiler I am using is Borland C++ Builder 5 (can''t afford 6 or X), and my OS is WinXP. When I compile it, a linker error appears with this message: [Linker Error] Unresolved external ''auxDIBImageLoadA'' I tried using the lesson''s source, but it came up with the same error. All the lessons worked with BCB until lesson 6.
it''s because glaux.lib is missing
add #pragma comment(lib, "glaux.lib");
at the begining of your main source file
or add glaux.lib to your project.
if it doesn''t work, look if your compiler has the file in it''s lib directory. If not, you can google for it, you''ll surely find it somewhere (but i don''t know where).

hope that helps
Cool it worked! Thanks alot!

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