
Vertex Buffer Objects .... not supported on my card

Started by December 14, 2003 09:35 PM
2 comments, last by snisarenko 21 years, 2 months ago
Hi So i downloaded the new vertex buffer object tutorial. But the program says that VBO is not supported and falls back to regular vertex arrays. I have GeForce4 Ti 4200, and I think i have the latests drivers. Does anyone know if GeForce4 supports VBO''s ? If so what should I do ? ______________________________________

According to the above, you should be all set. Make sure you have the most up to date driver (

The VBO extension is pretty new (ratified Feb 2003), so an up to date driver is important in getting this extension.

The fall back would be card specific vertex buffers (VAR/Fence extensions on NVidia), then fallback to basic Vertex arrays. VAR/Fence on NVidia and VAO on ATI will probably dissappear in the future (because of VBO. Actually they probably won''t dissappear due to the accumulating nature of OpenGL and its extension list, but VBO is the road of the future).

The GeForce4Ti series do support VBO. You need to have recent drivers to support it, and very recent drivers to support it efficiently (ForceWare).

The VBO is currently part of the OpenGL1.5 core, so yes it will be _the_ thing to use in the long run.
Even my Tnt supports it, though it seems that display lists run faster for older cards.

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