Blender 3d
From the news
"Visit http://www.blender3d.org... Doom 3 uses maya and blender3D for all the modeling. Along with another program called ORE (Open Render Bump) sorry no link. You can download a full non trial version for free!!! Great stuff."
I don''t think so
And it doesn''t use that ORE thing, either.
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Blender: Another perfect and DUTCH creation
It''s really a nice program, I now it for a few months now, it only looks a bit dreary.
And : It''s open-source!!

It''s really a nice program, I now it for a few months now, it only looks a bit dreary.
And : It''s open-source!!
- growl -
Blender should never be used for modeling because it simply sucks on that arena.
I don''t care if it''s free or not/openscource or not.
IT''s better to use maya learning edition, it''s free to.
Doom3 is made with a combination of Maya, lightwave + that ORE thing(or something simmilar).
For an overdose of l33tness, flashbang.nu
I don''t care if it''s free or not/openscource or not.
IT''s better to use maya learning edition, it''s free to.
Doom3 is made with a combination of Maya, lightwave + that ORE thing(or something simmilar).
For an overdose of l33tness, flashbang.nu
www.flashbang.se | www.thegeekstate.com | nehe.gamedev.net | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
If I recall correctly what the term "suck" means, then I think you''re a bit harsh. Maybe that blender is not the best software of all time for that task (well, it''s just a matter of preference as usual) but at least it DOES it, and it''s not _that_ bad.
My guess is that you''ve started learning with other modeling softwares and now that you see something different you''re lost.
I did the thing the other way : I started with blender, and now that I have to work with 3DS I can''t understand why some features are like this or that in 3DS. Seems horribly confusing.
My guess is that you''ve started learning with other modeling softwares and now that you see something different you''re lost.
I did the thing the other way : I started with blender, and now that I have to work with 3DS I can''t understand why some features are like this or that in 3DS. Seems horribly confusing.
I have worked with many cg packages, lightwave, maya, max, bryce, radiant, moray and about a handfull more, including blender.
Blender was the only proram that i couln''t create anything usefull in.
The reason is simple, blender hasn''t been designed with an intuitive interface, i shure hope this will change in the future because blender is a good idea, but it''s lacking a bit to mutch for my taste.
Blender was the only proram that i couln''t create anything usefull in.
The reason is simple, blender hasn''t been designed with an intuitive interface, i shure hope this will change in the future because blender is a good idea, but it''s lacking a bit to mutch for my taste.
www.flashbang.se | www.thegeekstate.com | nehe.gamedev.net | glAux fix for lesson 6 | [twitter]thegeekstate[/twitter]
Doom 3 doesn''t use "ORE" (or whatever it is). They simply rip the normals from a high poly model and slap ''em on a low poly model so it looks like the high poly one - normal mapping.
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BTW, it''s ORB, not ORE
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