
Blender 3d

Started by December 13, 2003 02:29 AM
5 comments, last by Luke Philpot 21 years, 2 months ago
From the news "Visit Doom 3 uses maya and blender3D for all the modeling. Along with another program called ORE (Open Render Bump) sorry no link. You can download a full non trial version for free!!! Great stuff." I don''t think so And it doesn''t use that ORE thing, either. My Website | Everything you need to know about 3D Graphics | Google | Search the Forums
Blender: Another perfect and DUTCH creation .
It''s really a nice program, I now it for a few months now, it only looks a bit dreary.
And : It''s open-source!!
- growl -
Blender should never be used for modeling because it simply sucks on that arena.
I don''t care if it''s free or not/openscource or not.
IT''s better to use maya learning edition, it''s free to.
Doom3 is made with a combination of Maya, lightwave + that ORE thing(or something simmilar).

For an overdose of l33tness,
If I recall correctly what the term "suck" means, then I think you''re a bit harsh. Maybe that blender is not the best software of all time for that task (well, it''s just a matter of preference as usual) but at least it DOES it, and it''s not _that_ bad.
My guess is that you''ve started learning with other modeling softwares and now that you see something different you''re lost.
I did the thing the other way : I started with blender, and now that I have to work with 3DS I can''t understand why some features are like this or that in 3DS. Seems horribly confusing.
I have worked with many cg packages, lightwave, maya, max, bryce, radiant, moray and about a handfull more, including blender.
Blender was the only proram that i couln''t create anything usefull in.
The reason is simple, blender hasn''t been designed with an intuitive interface, i shure hope this will change in the future because blender is a good idea, but it''s lacking a bit to mutch for my taste.
Doom 3 doesn''t use "ORE" (or whatever it is). They simply rip the normals from a high poly model and slap ''em on a low poly model so it looks like the high poly one - normal mapping.

My Website | Everything you need to know about 3D Graphics | Google | Search the Forums
BTW, it''s ORB, not ORE

My Website | Everything you need to know about 3D Graphics | Google | Search the Forums

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