
My umbilical cord to windows has been severed.

Started by December 10, 2003 12:57 AM
1 comment, last by Tha_HoodRat 20 years, 9 months ago
Yep , the mobo on my win box fried and it took out the CPU, hard drive, and memory Eventually I was going to migrate to linux but I did not anticipate it to be so soon. So for the next 2 months I will be using the linux box only.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Sorry to hear about your box, that sucks. I guess on the positive side you can learn more about linux now that it will be your primary system. Perhaps you can take this time to make a backup of all important data and create a dual boot of windows and linux on your linux box, so that way you don''t have to switch so suddenly.
Kind-of the same thing that happened to me a long time ago: I had Windows on another HDD (just incase, I guess; I didn''t use it much) and that HDD died, but I saw no need to use it anymore so I''ve went without it ever since. Always unfortunate about the dying hardware though.

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