Original post by OrigamiMan64
There is no 4th spatial dimension, that is only true in mathematical imaginings.
string theorists believe that there are about 11 dimensions, this is true
so there isn''t a fourth, but there are eleven total? Interesting perspective...
Hmmm, I was taken out of context for you see, I said "Obscure mentioned that string theorists believe that there are about 11 dimensions, this is true", so I was acknowledging the existance of a theory that allowed more than 4 dimensions; and you would only accept that there are 11 dimensions if you accept M-Theory.
As for the interesting perspective look at it thusly, If you only believe in relativity and not string theory then there are not 11 dimensions, if you believe in string theory then there are 11 dimensions of which time is the 4th, STILL, not a spatial dimension. See?
There''s your Einstein rebuttal!
Indeed Einsteins theory fails in areas of high gravity, hence the existance of string theory.
Ahh.. General Relativity''s inability to explain the speed gain rate of DI Herculis Binary star system, it fails in other areas also (see autodynamics, an unfamous theory which remedies this by the removal of a root!) but we have been told to steer away from the technical...
Hmm... The consequences of time travel. How solid is your alternate worlds system? You seem to bring up that alternate universe are created but not clearly. Alternate universes are a fine way out of the logical inconsitensies.
I once made a massive post on time travel and what I said was this, If you accept IntraUniversal Time Travel then you accept that everything is happening at once, the future has already happened, and the past is happening right now. For example in order to go to the future and find it occuring then it means that the future is happening presently. If one limits time travel into the past, that is, you can only go back to what has happened, then, not only is the past happening at the same time as the present it proves that the future is also happening. If we were to oneday discover time travel then they might visit their past, our presesnt...
This however can be disproven if time is viewed not as
something but as a dimension. But first, most people view time as circular, thus, one can ask, how can you exist if you go back and murder your parents? The answer is you cannot. If time is viewed as linear however and you are nothing more that a collection of molecues then you can in fact jump back and destroy your parents and still exist. Since everything is progressing linearly it is possible to destroy your molecules or the molecueles which caused your generation and still exist.
____________________________________ John Time travels | | and destroys parents \|/ ||--|---------------------------|--------------| collection Time of molecuels Travel named John created discovered
The consequences depend on whether time is then viewed as a dynamic or static dimension. Assuming a dynamic nature:
The question is if you will be remembered. The answer is yes, if you are nothing more than a series of connections between nuerons then the sudden removal of a series of molecules will not affect others, it will be a normal murder, save the fact that through out all coordinates of the time dimension your parents will suddenly disappear, creating a problem as I will explain.
However, if time is viewed as a static dimension then it goes to say that the universe was created at once. That is time is somewhat a descriptor dimension, it is nothing but the dimension where all the states of the other dimensions are realized, the exchange of bosons, the medium through which the string vibrations move that causes things to seem to happen...
For exmaple take a cartoon broken up into its seperate frames if in one of the frames a cartoon was deleted non of the other frames are affected as they have already been drawn, so going back and killing your parents will cause a death only for that time, they will suddenly be alive again later in time. You would have to continually kill them. However if you returned to the past to precisely when you killed them, not only will you find yourself there, your parents will be dead. Basically their death is equivalent to your time travel, save that the manner in which they left the current time is different, as really time travel is nothing but teleportation with regard for the time dimension. They will still remain in the future and past, as you do when you travel in time.
In a dynamic view, where changes propogate through the different coordinates, If you were to time travel, then all yourselves would vanish, however the total energy of the universe would become unbalanced and you would not be able to kill yourself, or visit your self in the future.
Another point agaisnt the dynamic view would be that like all the other dimensions time is expaninding, thus time traveling into the future is disallowed. This is quickly broken down by the fact that a visit from the future is possible.
So your changes in time are only for that time, there are problems with this theory which I will not discuss now, ahh the mathematics behind such a description of time are stupifying, it makes me cry. Adding extra universes alleviates some of these but add its own share of problems.
A brief View of problems of a dynamic multiverse:
Basically you can ignore the consequences by saying another universe was created and you were placed in it where you were never born and it balances as you on longer exist in your origin universe but exist here, so there you parents live and you are born and you go back and try to kill your parents but another universe is created where you are never born, or you find another universe with infinite yous...hmm...I think that is enough for now. I feel sick.