
Mac OS X Carbon equivalent of ShellExecute?

Started by December 07, 2003 03:48 PM
0 comments, last by MatrixCubed 20 years, 9 months ago
I''m trying to launch a web URL from a Carbon application (actually, it''s an OpenGL app in a Mac OS X / Carbon framework). I''ve taken a look at the Mac dev site docs for stuff like OpenURL but I''m not sure how to add this functionality to my application. Instead I''d like a simpler method; all I really need to do is launch whatever browser is available/associated with .html, and bring up a web URL. I know a little bit about UNIX commands but not to this depth; not sure what I should be searching for at this point. Any help is appreciated. matrix³ [ email | web | apple gl | linux gl | opengl | freeglut | glui | lua ]
If you just want to load up the default browser and bring your users to a specific page, the system() call should suffice.


[edited by - NuffSaid on December 8, 2003 5:17:04 AM]
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