
NVIDIA driver bug???

Started by December 04, 2003 12:03 PM
4 comments, last by Hamster 20 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I know the above title is probably a blasphemy and my code is most likely to be at fault, but this behaviour is quite odd. I''m writing a terrain engine in OpenGL, but for some reason when I put the camera at certain angles I get distortion and odd effects within a certain rectangle at the bottom of the screen. For an example please see . Everything else I''m doing is 3D, so I don''t really know how I could have triggered such a two-dimensional looking effect. I''m using 1.0-4496 of the drivers for Linux x86 compiled on kernel 2.4.22 for Debian Siddhartha on a Geforce MX440. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can give. John
That isn''t blasphemy. Nvidia isn''t special and they make buggy drivers just like everyone. They just happen to be better at fixing their problems than most. Still, proprietary software is proprietary software, and it can have bugs that don''t get fixed unless the company behind it wants to.

Regarding the image, is the error just what is inside the rectangle? Is it possible it is a clipping issue? Or a hardware issue? Can you replicate it with a different card, or even a different system?

Do you have a demo program others can test on? I have a GeForce 2 GTS Ultra in my system at home, so I don''t know if it might help.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
I also have a GeForce2 of some sort if you want another system to try it on.

The official zorx website
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
I have had this same problem on a Debian machine with kernel 2.4.22 and GeForce MX440 (same Nvidia drivers). Programs that I know of that have this problem are the Unreal Tournament 2003 demo and my Half-Life wine installation will do this under Counter-strike. I haven''t had this problem with Fedora Core 1.

I originally thought it was something wrong with my monitor. Perhaps it isn''t.
Hamester, i have the same video card and i'm using the same driver on a Debian SID with kernel 2.6.0-test10. I have started to see this problem since i had changed the driver 1.0-3120 to 1.0-4496, but today when i was testing a OpenGL program and i could see that this problem just appear when the resolution is different to 640x480 or 1024x768. So i changed the resolution of game Enemy Territory from 800x600 to 1024x768 and the problem disapeared. So i advice you to do the same with all 3D applications until nVidia correct this problem (maybe on the next driver version...).

[edited by - Ronis on December 6, 2003 3:11:47 PM]
-------Não me entrego sem lutar -Tenho ainda coração.Não aprendi a me render:Que caia o inimigo então.(Legião Urbana - Metal Contra as Núvens)
Thanks to everyone for the information and offers of help. Unfortuneately, my random life means it will be at least a week before I get near the offending code again and am able to test it. The resolution change sounds like it ought to work though, so thanks again.


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