
Has anybody seen GLwDrawingArea these days?

Started by December 04, 2003 08:48 AM
1 comment, last by smiley_horse 20 years, 9 months ago
According to my man pages (on redhat fedora) GLwDrawingArea and GLwMDrawingArea are widgets suitable for OpenGL drawing. They provide a window with the appropriate visual and col- ormaps needed for OpenGL, based on supplied parameters. GLwDrawingArea and GLwMDrawingArea also provide callbacks for redraw, resize, input, and initialization. GLwDrawingArea is not a part of any widget set, but depends only on Xt. GLwDrawingArea can be used with any widget set. GLwMDrawingArea is identical to GLwDrawingArea except that it is a subclass of the Motif widget class XmPrimitive ... etc blah blah HMMMMM this man page seems to be out of its mind; A look into GlwDrawA.h shows only functions that are bound to motif; not anything that is called GLwDraw... (only those with M). Even worse linker seems not to find even GLwMDrawArea; include for motif verions works; but linking not. (I have linked against lGlw I didn't forgott). Does anyone know what happend to GlwDrawArea? Without it it's pretty hoppless to get opengl context bound to Xt widgets. Any tip where I can find missing includes and libs? I don't know if this should come with Xt (Xfree) or motif or whatever. I have seen some posts on suse mailing lists about same problem but there is no solution posted there; so if anybody knows where to get this lib please tell me ... [edited by - smiley_horse on December 4, 2003 9:50:45 AM]
Motif? You''re using motif?!

Who uses motif!?

er... just to be a bit constructive... search your distros packages for motif or lesstif or something like that
you are right!
nobody uses motif these days;

Actually there is GLwDrawingArea and GLwMDrawingArea. That one with M in is motif''s binding but that one without M is Xt''s binding. I was trying to use Xt but there is none. Ofcourse I have checked my distro (redhat), checked include files etc before I posted here. Checked manpages, Xt docks, Xlib, a lot of mailing archives etc. Asking people is always last resort for me, only if I can''t found the answer bymyself.

There is motif version but none Xt verison; Man page is saying that Xt''s version should also be there but there is not; That''s why I posted here. Wonder if anyone knew with which package should that include and lib come (Xfree, driver, ? ).

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