Original BumpMapping Method
Well first of all I`d say that this is not the best method in the world, nor the finest, but It`s probably the fastest .
You can see the effect here->
It`s not the best texture in the world but there it goes.
A few tech docs
->Uses only 1 pass with Multitexturing, actually it`s the same texture twice
->It`s per-vertex although the texcoords show some nice blending(under the light it looks somewhat flat)
->It`s totally software so it doesn`t uses any extension besides that multitexturing, so it would work any card .
I know it may not even be accurate but... I just wanted to make something original...
Relative Games - My apps
Looks like the good old emboss bump mapping effect to me. How is that different ? My Vaudoo2 was able to do that.
Well to tell the truth, what I have is a multitextured quad with the glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL_BLEND);
and some light-texcoord calculations...
I noticed that the 2 textures act very interesting, 1 is something like a base color map and the other like an alpha map, and if I manually move it it`s only made of white and black giving the bump edges white/black colors. The blend is that nice because it`s texcoord based and if the light is in the middle(like in the pic) it looks flat underneath and strechted to the 4 texcoords .
I don`t know if anyone ever came up with something like this but I did this on my own, no code inspiration whatsoever ...
I also know that the eye-candy BumpMapping is made using that dot3 extension, so on older cards/non-Nvidia cars might not work at all...
The struggle from my case is to find out how to modify the texcoords acording to the angle of the plane/triangle, because light x,y,z may not be the x,y of the texture so... I still need to work on that...
and some light-texcoord calculations...
I noticed that the 2 textures act very interesting, 1 is something like a base color map and the other like an alpha map, and if I manually move it it`s only made of white and black giving the bump edges white/black colors. The blend is that nice because it`s texcoord based and if the light is in the middle(like in the pic) it looks flat underneath and strechted to the 4 texcoords .
I don`t know if anyone ever came up with something like this but I did this on my own, no code inspiration whatsoever ...
I also know that the eye-candy BumpMapping is made using that dot3 extension, so on older cards/non-Nvidia cars might not work at all...
The struggle from my case is to find out how to modify the texcoords acording to the angle of the plane/triangle, because light x,y,z may not be the x,y of the texture so... I still need to work on that...
Relative Games - My apps
The ARB_texture_env_dot3 extension is supported perfectly on every nVidia card of the Geforce 256 range and above.
Besides, if you''re wanting to support cards that are lower spec than that, then forget bumpmapping on those cards. Emboss looks terrible, and there really isn''t any point in doing it on a TNT/2.
You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
Besides, if you''re wanting to support cards that are lower spec than that, then forget bumpmapping on those cards. Emboss looks terrible, and there really isn''t any point in doing it on a TNT/2.
You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
1)Well.. Nvidia is down... how about ATI and 3Dlabs ?
2)This stuff might be faster than anything because it`s just plain multitexturing .. is the normal dot3 bumpmapping as fast as this ?
My method must be worth while
2)This stuff might be faster than anything because it`s just plain multitexturing .. is the normal dot3 bumpmapping as fast as this ?
My method must be worth while

Relative Games - My apps
NVidia is down? I think not.
Dot3 is just as fast as another texture environment function.
I still don''t know why you''re messing with emboss. If you''re using anything above a Geforce 2, then just use Dot3, it''s FAR superior.
You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.
Dot3 is just as fast as another texture environment function.
I still don''t know why you''re messing with emboss. If you''re using anything above a Geforce 2, then just use Dot3, it''s FAR superior.
You have to remember that you''re unique, just like everybody else.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
I only meant that NVidia was out of my target list... so now I tryed aiming at ATI users and other no-one knows cards 
Is this emboss texturing that I`m doing ? I don`t think so because it messes the texture color making it not so usable...
Anyways I`ll drop it here and get that per-pixel-bump which is... fast ?

Is this emboss texturing that I`m doing ? I don`t think so because it messes the texture color making it not so usable...
Anyways I`ll drop it here and get that per-pixel-bump which is... fast ?
Relative Games - My apps
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