
Nice Unix.

Started by November 22, 2003 02:37 AM
1 comment, last by OctDev 20 years, 10 months ago
Wow. I just installed Mandrake 9.2 and so far, am really impressed. Seems to be much nicer and smoother setup than 9.1. I still have OpenBSD 3.4 on the first half of this hd, as well as XP on the secondary hd. OBSD is for development/server management, XP is for games and random hardware compatability, and I do believe that Mandrake will quickly become my most primary OS. Now, I decided to install this just t use it so that I could have a little more first hand feedback before putting it on a partition in my parents'' house. This is the first time I have installed Linux and liked things right out of the gate though; if it is this nice before tweaking, I envy what it will be like post tweaking. In fact, it beats XP as far as an out of the box config goes, impo. Anyone else using 9.2?
The Tyr project is here.
I use Red Hat Linux right now, but am thinking about swithcing to Mandrake in the near future. I have a notebook running 5.1 in black and white console, and am impressed with even that! I have been meaning to get 9.2 for some of the computers in my house, just haven''t ordered it.

Scott Simontis
Scott SimontisMy political blog
I think mandrake is much better organized than fedora. In terms of the menu and stuff.

Although, did they ever fix the network on mandrake? I couldn''t seem to get it to work on that, one of the reasons why I am using fedora.

...because I am thinking of switching to mandrake to try it out because I really liked 9.1 so if they fixed the few problems I had I will probably switch.

Anyone know how well of a transition that would be in everything still working when I get mandrake working?


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