
Anyone noticed this?

Started by November 21, 2003 01:12 PM
5 comments, last by BradDaBug 20 years, 10 months ago
Perhaps I''m being anal or have OCD or something for noticing this, but if I have a window on the screen, and I grab the title bar and begin to move it, it jerks for a little bit then moves smoothly, like it''s having to overcome static friction. What''s up with that? BTW, this is with Red Hat 9 and Gnome 2.2.
I like the DARK layout!
Doesn''t happen to me.

The official zorx website
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Yep, same here. I have to move mouse some pixels before window starts to move. But once it moves it moves smoothly. Must be programmed property.
Is it a particular program or all of them? I know XMMS uses something like that for it''s docked windows. Maybe it''s how it''s designed?
There''s a couple things that could be doing something like that. Red Hat modifies their kernels (which patches they apply I don''t know, you can probably look it up somewhere), and it''s likely that they have messed with something scheduler related (possibly causing the window manager to not get CPU-time immediately because it''s fighting with X or something). Also, Metacity has at least one option that may or may not be built into it that might affect that (if XSync in enabled; it was included in Metacity in some version, but I''m not if it was 2.2 or 2.4).

BTW: No, I don''t see that behaviour in Debian Sid (stock 2.4 kernel) with Gnome 2.4 using Metacity.

My guess, it''s simply the dock preperty.
Windows get stuck together if they are less then 10px from each other or so (like in Winamp), so you''de have to drage it these 10px before it will move... THe window does move, logically, but not on the screen. Once it''s logical position is out of the glue, it moves just fine untilk it gets stuck again...

I thought Red Hat used vmlinuz with no patches...

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