
3d -freedom

Started by November 13, 2003 03:20 PM
4 comments, last by 187 21 years, 3 months ago
hello! im looking for a tutorial about mouse-look. im trying to create a "3d-world" that i can fly around/starfe in, like free-look in halflife when you are dead (you know what i mean). there sould be lots of good tutorials like that but i cant find anything. cheers anders
you should be able to just take a glance at the mouse tutorial on this site, that has to do with "picking" objects & it should show you how to grab a mouse''s position & clicks. After that, you should already know how to translate & rotate the world around your view based on some inputs.... if you don''t... go through the first 5-10 tutorials on this site & brush up.
i looked at lesson number ten but i think it''s kind of weak.
for example would i like to know how to move around the camera instead of moving modells. i wrote a lot of code that build on moving the camera insted of moving modells.
There is no camera, it does not exist. We use the camera as an analogy to help understand transformations, but you cannot move it. The only way to get the effect of moving through a 3d world is by moving the world itself. Even gluLookAt transforms the world, its just wrapped up in a function so it appears to move the camera.
Try checking out the camera tutorials here:

no disrespect''n GameDev, GameTutorials just has beeter cameral tuts is all imo.
hmm, i knew i should have read more about ogl before i started to code. anyway thanks for the link!

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