
Still have no IDE !

Started by November 13, 2003 08:16 AM
12 comments, last by KurtCPP 20 years, 10 months ago
Hi. Thank you all for your advice, but I cannopt really get Flarelocke who says word completion is not a good thing. Though, I find it easier to find the list of fields and it also leads you throught the help files (when there are some).

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Prog, Games & Rock'n'Roll :I don't like the Prog but the Prog likes me.
You can do word completion in emacs -- M-/ . It doesn't know anything about scope, member variables, etc., so instead it searches your current file, other open files, and the kill ring (I think) for words which have the word you're typing now as the prefix. It's definately different from how VC++ does code completion, and but seems to work pretty well, and as a bonus it works with any kind of source file.

You might also want to check out hippie-expand in the emacs docs, and rebind M-/ to hippie-expand. Hippie-expand is the bomb!

You might also want to check out M-x gdb, which starts gdb within emacs, so can then set breakpoints in the source buffer, sourc buffer will track the currently executing line, etc.

I think you can also get a tree class view, but I'm not sure how that works.

(edit: added bit about gdb-in-emacs)

[edited by - Garfong on November 14, 2003 9:06:31 AM]
Word compleation != code compleation, of course.

I think slick edit has a *nix version, though it is a commervial ide it is pretty good.

IDEs can be nice, often just get in the way though, at least for somethings.

For comparison, I use a term window + (g)vim.

I currently lack (to my satisfaction) proper scoped code compleation which is an annoying loss and slows down coding a bit but is by no means fatal.
KDevelop isn''t the best, IMO. BuilderX is pretty sweet - give that a shot.

And you don''t NEED an IDE you lazy bum!

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