
Still have no IDE !

Started by November 13, 2003 08:16 AM
12 comments, last by KurtCPP 20 years, 10 months ago
Hi every-1. I lately posted something to complain cuz I had no IDE and to ask what I had to use to code with. Now that I''m almost able to do everything by myself using Gcc and Linux editors, I repeat what I first said : "I''M NOT A MERE LAZY BUM, BUT CODING THIS WAY IS REALLY PAIN IN THE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Of course, Gcc is a good compiler and Linux stuff like Kate and KWrite don''t suck as hard as one could believe when they don''t know them, but still, not having the word completion and not being able to use all of GDB commands is as I said before "really pain in the ass" You always need to check the exact names of the functions and properties, no mistake is allowed and you gotta type everything by yourself. However, that can be funny sometimes (while writing small programs with no libraries to link and few makefiles lines to type), but I especially wanted to tell that I really had a reason to say an IDE is generally better than ''nothing''. Oh, BTW why do Kate and KWrite look so much the same?? Cheers. Prog, Hex & Rock''n''Roll : I don''t like the Prog but the Prog likes me. Some nice poetry to sweeten your spirit and relax a bit before programming
Prog, Games & Rock'n'Roll :I don't like the Prog but the Prog likes me.
Personally I have migrated away from using IDEs. My current preferences are to use Emacs and roll my own Makefiles, and compile in a shell. I find it forces me to be more dilligent with how I code. Its just a personal preference, and not a comment on IDEs in general. I think any given person should use the tools that best suit their working habits and personalities. To each his own.

There are several IDEs available for Linux, the most popular being KDevelop, Anjuta (sp?) and Borlands BuilderX. All of these are free (as in beer) and at least KDevelop is open source (not sure of the others - I have never used them).

I assume KWrite and Kate look a lot alike because they use the same libraries and probably written by people on the KDE design team. I never understood why KDE comes with so many different text editors, as well as KOffice, but choice is one of the benefits of the community

I code using vim, and compile with make. Creating your own makefiles is easy (though the information on how to do so is pretty sub-par).

As far as looking up the names of functions, "grep -Ri functionname /usr/include/*" is pretty useful. There''s also an "agrep" that will find names similar to the one you give it, in addition to exact matches.

On windows, I always found the completion stuff inconsistent at best, and encourages the usage of the simpler features of C++ because it''s harder/impossible to get the more advanced things indexed.
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!
While tinkering with RedHat''s distribution, I noticed a development tool/IDE called KDev or something like that in the GUI... it looked like it was very similar to MSVC++ however, it kept crashing on me and I couldn''t get it to work correctly... but maybe that''s what you''re looking for. Granted it''s not neccesarily Unix, but maybe the compiler compiles into an executable format that any Unix system can run. It had the option for it, but I just couldn''t keep it from crashing.

I know only that which I know, but I do not know what I know.

I know only that which I know, but I do not know what I know.
quote: Original post by Daishi
While tinkering with RedHat's distribution, I noticed a development tool/IDE called KDev or something like that in the GUI

I believe it is called KDevelop(er?).

[edited by - kordova on November 13, 2003 12:19:16 PM]
Use Borland C++ BuilderX!!! I like it very much!!
might want to give it a try.
-----------------------------------------------------------"People who usualy use the word pedantic usualy are pedantic!"-me
KWrite and Kate look the same because they''re essentially the same editor - thanks to KParts they''re using the same code for the actual text editing.

As for an IDE, I suggest you try the KDevelop 3 alpha releases. Yes, it''s an alpha, but it''s also the best Free IDE I''ve seen so far.

Widelands - laid back, free software strategy
I use anjuta, its works well enough for me. I think it has word completion, but I turned it off.
I think you can write a simple script to get a list of possible keywords to be displayed at the bottom of the screen in which case you can choose one in vim, though I don''t know how.

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