
Couple ideas for Matrix games.

Started by November 11, 2003 01:30 PM
30 comments, last by Magic Card 21 years, 3 months ago
1) The Battle for Zion. This would, I guess, be a real time strategy game where you control units inside and outside of Zion. There''d be missions recreated from the movies (like that Counter Attack mission from Reloaded) and of course the final battle in Zion where you control the APU''s, as well as other custom missions in order to make the game longer. 2) The other one would be another generic action game, but it wouldn''t tie in directly to a movie. It''d be a standalone story, maybe where you play as Morphius after his first time out of the Matrix. What''d be really cool is there''d be a "Floating Agent" system where Agents would wait until you caused some kind of commotion and then would show up (but they''d only do that when the game is open-ended, not on straightahead missions). They''d also be able to move in and out of other NPC''s in the area. Any thoughts? ----------------------------- A world destroyed, a myth rebord. Some truths should remain untold... Check out NightRise today, coming eventually from DanAvision Software Entertainment.
-----------------------------A world destroyed, a myth rebord. Some truths should remain untold...Check out NightRise today, coming eventually from DanAvision Software Entertainment.
Good luck getting permission to use the copyrighted material....

1) I would see that as more of a FPS with goals.
I think the first idea would be better implemented as a sort of Dynasty Warriors system. The battle rages around you regardless, and you have to perform tasks or support troops according to orders, circumstances, and your own judgement.
Personally I don''t think any matrix games would go over well. Mainly because there''s a lot to the movie and trying to put new stuff in to make a game would be very very risky. I don''t know if it could be pulled off.

BUT..... Before i''m flamed read on.

I have watched The Animatrix. What COULD be done is the begining of the war. When machines first started to take over. There is a potential for a LOT of stuff. It would be very very interesting. Assuming the story is great and gameplay good... i would thoroughly enjoy such a game. It could be pretty much any style of game. RTS, FPS...

And regarding "Anonymous Poster" Be Quiet!.... Just kidding. You''re totally right. Good luck indeed. - Web-based strategy.End of Line
when you say matrix games, who says they have to be related to the movies stories? the wachowski brothers are trying to create an entire culture / world for their story. they want to bring the whole matrix universe to depths that would rival marvel. they''ve got a whole entire comic book series on the website, the animatrix, the game (enter the matrix), and the 3 movies.
I wouldn''t be surprised if a tv show was spawned like what happened to stargate.
a few novels are in the works right now and there''s alot more to be told about the matrix. I''m sure if you came up with a decent idea for even a simple game, and proposed it to the brothers somehow, they wouldn''t reject it, as long as it kept with the spirit of their creation.
"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD
after the last two matrix movies, i have no interest in any game based on that franchise. if the guys controlling the whole thing can fuck it up so bad, maybe it is time to just forget it all and invent your own damn story.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
I think it would be interesting to create a game that took place during the events but where you wheren''t an active particapent in any of them instead they where happening in the background.

For instance you could be racing down a street chased by agents when the black out from the 2nd movie occurs. You wouldn''t explain those events from the movie but the user would be able to recoginze them.

One of the most interesting things I would like to see included in a matrix game would be the agents. You''d have to included system where the wandering background npc could suddenly become agents and attack the player.

As far matrix games go if the popularity increases and expends to new media I''m sure it won''t be long before we see "Tony Hawk''s eXtreme Matrix"

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
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Chaos Factor Design Document

I think there are worlds of possibilities for Matrix spin-offs. Why not set it in one of the six Matrices before the last one? You could be the first One, with no idea what''s going on, and a far less amazing set of powers than Neo had.

Or be the One right before Neo, and at the end, right before you allow Zion to be destroyed, you do something to the Matrix that will lead to Smith''s unique situation. Smith never had any choices, and was bound by his destiny. I think it would rock to be the author of that destiny. Or just to throw the stone that rippled the surface of fate and hope something cool happens. Could be way more satisfying than the crappy Neo story.

If you haven''t seen Matrix Revolutions this may spoil it (if the Reloaded one hasn''t already)...

You could set a world after Matrix Revolutions. They did one of those classic hollywood "end the movie but just enought for another sequal" moves. After all it was only a peace between the machines and the humans and I don''t think the architect was too happy about it. Also, as a human would you really want machines around that had complely enslaved the planet once before? The only reason the machines were keeping the humans around in the first place was a power supply. What if they find another power supply that doesn''t require humans?

KarsQ: What do you get if you cross a tsetse fly with a mountain climber?A: Nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scalar.
Wow. Brainstorming rocks.

TechnoGoth: As it turns out, the Agents waiting in the background to take over a NPC was the first idea I had when I came up with an idea for a Matrix game 3 years ago. Shortly afterward Enter the Matrix was announced and after a slight fit from seeing that my magazine said that Microsoft had the rights (which was wrong) I began NightRise. So there ya go.

A FPS Matrix game would be cool, but you wouldn''t be able to see any of the cool moves the guys perform, though I do prefer the gunslinging aspect of it. I like to think of the original Matrix as, like, a modern day Western, which is shown in the Subway Fight (tumbleweed newspapers blowing by and everything). They had the right idea making Enter the Matrix a 3rd person shooter, but it just wasn''t implemented well.

The only way to make a good Matrix would be if it used the Unreal Engine because it''s so amazingly powerful and the Monkey Matrix mod already proved that it does bullet time very well. Doom III engine based Matrix game would rock too though. Oh well, we can dream can''t we?

A world destroyed, a myth rebord. Some truths should remain untold...

Check out NightRise today, coming eventually from DanAvision Software Entertainment.
-----------------------------A world destroyed, a myth rebord. Some truths should remain untold...Check out NightRise today, coming eventually from DanAvision Software Entertainment.

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