
I got a big project to do in 3D and I realy need your Help guys! {Details Inside!}

Started by November 10, 2003 12:53 PM
4 comments, last by B0necrack3R 21 years, 3 months ago
Hello. I am a student in the 11th grade in high school, and this year each of us got a part of a big project. I was advised to do the 3D programming(OpenGL + c++) part of it because it is very interest me! I had no Idea in 3d programming and immidiatly started to learn OpenGL.. By now I already know the very basics of the OpenGL (read some tuts from this awesome site! thnx!) Now I will tell you about what shall I do this year. I have to design a program which will display a 3D robot (in OGL) and will give me almost the full controll of it. there will be some buttons with which I would turn the axis of the robot etc. Espeacialy for let your understand how the robot looks I shot it and wrote some properties of the axises. Please download the scheme by copieng this link: I have to do a model of this Robot (dont have to content all the small parts,only the main ones.) Truthly I dont know how to start! Should I create a robot or the parts of a robot in the seperate modeller and then load it with OpenGL? or should I create it straight with the OpenGL!? If I create a whole model in 3dmax for example, so how will I make seperate parts movieng?! Guys! u have much more expiriense than me! please explain me exactly what should I do and how should I work! Thank u very much!!! listening for your replies (; Alex.
Well I tried the link but I got a time out error, so I''ll just make some assumptions.

First thing I would do is not even start with a computer. You need to get down on paper everything that you want this robot to do. Then try writing some psudocode. You might want to read up on foward and inverse kinimatics. As for the models, it depends on how complex you want them to be. If they are simple boxes, then I see no reason to use a 3d modeler. If you''re trying to do a complex model like this -

Then yes you need a modeling program.

The biggest problem I see is the kinimatics, if you don''t know, it''s where you move one part other parts move as well. Kinda like swinging your arm around at the shoulder (FK) or moving your hand from one point to the another (IK).

Good luck.
Dreams arn't just dreams, They're a whole new world to play in.
"The biggest problem I see is the kinimatics, if you don''t know, it''s where you move one part other parts move as well. Kinda like swinging your arm around at the shoulder (FK) or moving your hand from one point to the another (IK).

Its exactly what I need (:

Its kinda strange that u havent succeded in opening the link ):
I just copy this to an adress bar and it works fine.

I need some explanations how to make kinimatiks etc..
plz help..
Make a function to draw a cube given the center. By translation and rotation, scale the cube and move it to all parts of the body. The hardest part is getting the arm to be placed so it touches the bicep (or whatever you want to call it) I''ll give you a hint. Make 3 vectors for each body part: the center of rotation, the difference between the center of rotation and the center position, and the scale factors.
It will eventually look like this:

push matrix
... (do this for each successive handle)
pop matrix


Basically, you translate to A, rotate around A, translate to B, rotate around B, translate to C, rotate around C, and then draw.

I am making a program exactly like this: it is for the new NeHe contest. It will end around January. Feel free to look at my code and take as much as you want, as long as you give me permission. My name is Philip Leszczynski.
Thank you philip!
But I didnt realy understand how to realize your idea (:
If u dont mind and it wont take a lot of time from you,please make a little basic example which show how the techniqe which you had explained to me works!


Here are a couple of links to get an idea of what kinimatics are.

Understand that these pages are designed for 3d modeling and animation software users. But it should give you a good idea of what kinimatics do.
Dreams arn't just dreams, They're a whole new world to play in.

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