
Some questions about rules in CC 2003

Started by November 05, 2003 12:20 AM
17 comments, last by XperienS 21 years, 3 months ago
Hello all! At first, CC 2003 is Creative Contest 2003 Now, Questons: - Can I take part in CC if I''m only 15 years old? - Can I make Documentation instead of Source code(Documentation includes only mathematical algorithms[maybe different parts of them will be with a source code in a .doc-file] of texture, mesh generating, building different 3D primitives - sphere, cube, cylinder, disk, torus - distorting them, making other effects from my intro). - If my intro will be without any sound(i haven''t found musician) - can it impress peoples? Thank you for answers.

I can answer a few questions for you. From what I understand I don''t think you need to include source. Without sound, its possible to impress people, but sound makes it a lot more interesting.

To add to the questions, is it ok to have multiple scenes or is it only one scene ?
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
well, probably it can include more than one scene, but with the same effect.

for eg., i'm doing demo with one specific effect, but with multiple scenes, where you can observe that effect.

a lame example - particle rain. you can have two scenes with rain, one through window looking at giant metropolis, other scene in wilderness or smth. or fire, one scene a caveman near fire, other a forest on fire. i don't know for sure, but i think it's ok to have few scenes with same theme.

[edited by - Gytis on November 5, 2003 6:21:36 AM]
Just to add one more question. What about sound libs? Can we use BASS or FMOD. Fmod has something like this on their HP : "...if your product is not intended to make any money, and is not charged for in any way, then you may use FMOD in it for FREE", and BASS has just "Freeware : FREE". So my question: does this demo qualifys for use with this, or will I have to use something like OpenAL?

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Original post by _DarkWIng_
Just to add one more question. What about sound libs? Can we use BASS or FMOD. Fmod has something like this on their HP : "...if your product is not intended to make any money, and is not charged for in any way, then you may use FMOD in it for FREE", and BASS has just "Freeware : FREE". So my question: does this demo qualifys for use with this, or will I have to use something like OpenAL?

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

I guess that it''s more for learning, and not for commercial purposes... But perhaps you should e-mail them and ask for permission, just in case.

Better safe then sued... Or whatever
I agree with James about the fact that e-maling them would be a nice idea, and Creative Labs could give us details as well. For instance, is there any chance that the winner will generate money from his software (say, 0.01% of the benefits generated by each graphics card sold ) ?
Hey, people!
You haven''t answer on my questions. Question about FMOD and BASS is also important. I think we can use BASS on 100% and about FMOD I''m not so sure. But the MOST important question foe me is can I take part in this contest if I''m only 15 years old?
One more question. Is distorting 3D objects, post-process (i.e. motion blur and other plasmas) effects thing what this contest needed?
I emailed both BASS and FMOD creators and they both told me it''s OK to use it in demo as long as it''s freeware.

XperienS : 1) Age is not important. 2) Post-processing is not needed. You might want to try it since it can give some nice effect but it certenly is not a *must have*.

vincoof : If they included "0.01% of the benefits generated by each graphics card sold" in prize i would stop going to school right now and start working on my demo 24/7.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
I want to say that I can make motion blur. In news column I''ve read that you must make natural effects like flame, nature scene, etc. But this effects is VERY hard to pack in ~100kb. So if it''s so I can just sit there and watch. It would be very good if I''ll take even a third place with my plasmas, distortions; mesh && texture generating.

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