Hi,I am a newbie and I have some basic questions..
Hello all!
I am a new in this forum and in the 3D programming at all!
I started to read the tutoriales which given here and they are awesome and very interesting!
I have some questions by now:
For example as I create a cylinder I see it from the top view..
How do I rotate it so it will be shown from the side?
2)How do I load objecs from 3DSM into my OpenGL workspace?
3)How do I play sounds\music in the openGL workspace!?
Thank you very much!,
Hello and welcome to 3d programming!
1) Write glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); before you start creating the cylinder
Where angle is a value starting between 0 and 360 (upper or lower values will do same effect).
You can also write either that or:
glRotatef(angle, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
All glRotatef does is rotate the model you are going to render in a certain axis (it works like this: glRotatef(angle, x_axis, y_axis, z_axis) if i''m not mistaken)).
2) You have to write code to load it from the 3dsmax file, i recomend you to look at the 3ds loader at www.gametutorials.com
3) You could use Fmod (www.fmod.org) or OpenAl (www.openal.org), i use fmod and i find it really simple and powerfull, altough OpenAl might be a good method also.
1) Write glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); before you start creating the cylinder
Where angle is a value starting between 0 and 360 (upper or lower values will do same effect).
You can also write either that or:
glRotatef(angle, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
All glRotatef does is rotate the model you are going to render in a certain axis (it works like this: glRotatef(angle, x_axis, y_axis, z_axis) if i''m not mistaken)).
2) You have to write code to load it from the 3dsmax file, i recomend you to look at the 3ds loader at www.gametutorials.com
3) You could use Fmod (www.fmod.org) or OpenAl (www.openal.org), i use fmod and i find it really simple and powerfull, altough OpenAl might be a good method also.
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If your not yet aware on how to rotate, i suggest you spend some time reading some starting tutorials before you move on to model loading 
NeHe''s site is an exellent place to learn.

NeHe''s site is an exellent place to learn.
Skow is right.
I have started programming a few weeks ago, and i haven''t reached the model loading part.
Good luck
I have started programming a few weeks ago, and i haven''t reached the model loading part.
Good luck

Thank you for reading this post, but if you can answer it better. :)
For your second question I have found some very useful info at:
They have code to download but I couldn''t understand it. But the way they show and describe the parts of the file is great. Skow is right and you may not be ready to make a loader for it but when you do you should save that web site on your HD and save the link.
The pipes clangor all the time.
They have code to download but I couldn''t understand it. But the way they show and describe the parts of the file is great. Skow is right and you may not be ready to make a loader for it but when you do you should save that web site on your HD and save the link.
The pipes clangor all the time.
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
Yes, I think that all of you right. I began to programming about year ago but I can''t load 3D Models now. Because it is no need in 3D models while I''m not really cool OpenGL coder. Even if you will learn how to load models several questions will appear opposite you. One of them: how to animate this model. So my point is - you need to learn OpenGL coll(matricies, textures, vertex arrays and etc.) Same thing I can say about music. If you want to make a simple game then you need music but for real project you need to learn OpenGL long time...

Thnx for all the replies!
I had succeded to rotate my object as I wanted to..
As I understood,it is still early for me to make up with 3dsm and sounds but anyway... I have a project in a school and what I need to do is to build a model of a robot,I think in a 3D modeller program cause its should be a little complicated, to load it with OpenGL and I need to build a controll panel which will make my 3D robot animating (moving legs,axises etc.)
Can you help me with that please? where do I start what should I learn to realize that project??
I had succeded to rotate my object as I wanted to..
As I understood,it is still early for me to make up with 3dsm and sounds but anyway... I have a project in a school and what I need to do is to build a model of a robot,I think in a 3D modeller program cause its should be a little complicated, to load it with OpenGL and I need to build a controll panel which will make my 3D robot animating (moving legs,axises etc.)
Can you help me with that please? where do I start what should I learn to realize that project??
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