
blender 2.3

Started by October 31, 2003 01:45 PM
3 comments, last by Wolfmanyoda 21 years, 3 months ago
You can get the new version of Blender here. I opened it up, but didn''t get a chance to really try it yet. Will report back later. ==================================== Cat: the other white meat
From a first look you can see that it''s definately had a UI upgrade.
It''s way more customizable now, and you can even change every color on the screen and save those changes as Themes to be applied whenever you feel like it.
Undo is finally here
Edge loop selection is now available, as well as a Knife tool.
I''ll have to check out the new Shader controls and see how that goes. I see a setting for Toon, so hopefully that''s some sort of cell-shading.

You can get a full report with details here.

Cat: the other white meat
I''m extremely happy about the addition of the Knife tool, as that is something I have strongly felt the lack of. Undo is a nice addition--though I will have to accustom myself to using it now, overcoming a strong case of the stoicism they mention in your link . The updated interface I am still lukewarm toward, as it is requiring me to re-learn a few things. I suppose once I get in the habit of using it, I will like it better.

But that Knife tool...

vertexnormal AT linuxmail DOT org

Check out Golem: Lands of Shadow, an isometrically rendered hack-and-slash inspired equally by Nethack and Diablo.
Holy carp! Undo?
Holy cow! Knife tool? ... What''s a knife tool?

Either way, I have it and it runs great.

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If you have used Max, its similar to the slice tool. It allows you to subdivide a mesh by making ''cuts'' in its geometry.

I must say that if Blender keeps getting improving, its going to be great.

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