tried the culling thing. but when i rotate the object the back of it is not there ?? by using the culling do i need to tell opengl which surface to render or not to render ??
BTW here is how i did my culling(not very sure if it''s what u ment skow)
ps: ignore the syntex couze it''s from so i''ve remove somethings to make it looks like it''s in vc++
To Live Is To Die.
removing gaps in lines
The front face culling:
It sould effectivly 1/2 the number of objects drawn.
Where you will get a mega boost in preformance is that frustum culling, but if your fiarly new, you may not be up to the task.
It sould effectivly 1/2 the number of objects drawn.
Where you will get a mega boost in preformance is that frustum culling, but if your fiarly new, you may not be up to the task.
thanks skow...
bout the frustum culling, any1 kind enough to explain roughly the concept ?
izzit gotta do with the normal of the surface ??
To Live Is To Die.
bout the frustum culling, any1 kind enough to explain roughly the concept ?
izzit gotta do with the normal of the surface ??
To Live Is To Die.
To Live Is To Die.
Just a little something on the nr of polys you can render.
Most cards, except the latest ones, only supports 65535 tri''s/call. Some (most?) drivers splits larger batches up and does it using multiple calls, but you can''t count on that happening, so make sure you never renderer more than 65535 tris in one call.
Most cards, except the latest ones, only supports 65535 tri''s/call. Some (most?) drivers splits larger batches up and does it using multiple calls, but you can''t count on that happening, so make sure you never renderer more than 65535 tris in one call.
Frustum culling is basicly a check to using a little math and a few gl calls to see if an object is on screen.
Thanks alot tok_junior for the info.
Correct me if i''m wrong, what you ment is that most 3D cards can render 65535 tris at optimum speed, is that right ?
skow, that means Frustum culling is the same as hidden surface removal ?? meaning removing surfaces that are block by other surfaces or are located out side the viewing screen. Any articals and sites regarding this ??
Thanks every1 appreciate all the help you guys/gals gave me.
To Live Is To Die.
Correct me if i''m wrong, what you ment is that most 3D cards can render 65535 tris at optimum speed, is that right ?
skow, that means Frustum culling is the same as hidden surface removal ?? meaning removing surfaces that are block by other surfaces or are located out side the viewing screen. Any articals and sites regarding this ??
Thanks every1 appreciate all the help you guys/gals gave me.
To Live Is To Die.
To Live Is To Die.
I posted a link earlier that has a good implimentation of it.
I posted a link earlier that has a good implimentation of it.
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