
Professional Quality?

Started by October 30, 2003 05:03 AM
29 comments, last by Dreq 21 years ago
Well I just finished my latest mp3: I was wondering if the quality could be concidered 'professional'? It wont hurt my feelings if it isn't.. I just need to know how far i've gotta go to get there. Thanks! [edited by - Dreq on October 30, 2003 6:05:31 AM]
"Mommy, where do microprocessors come from?"
Urgh. Took me twenty minutes to get (3 K a sec at highest point).

Anyhow ... The start is very tranquil and solemn, yet not too sad like such tracks would create. It''s nicely progressive too and retains its mood throughout.

Professional? Well, would it get you a job?

(But if I had to, I would say yes)
I hate to say it, but it kicks the crap out of my stuff. Maybe it''s partially the samples. I just don''t take my own stuff seriously nowadays...
It''s my game dev "company"s site! Go there!
"Somebody should make a game about pirating video games. That would be interesting."~Chandler
I think it''s excellent. Wouldn''t be out of place in a Final Fantasy score, IMO. What equipment/software do you use, if you don''t mind me asking?
The quality is good, but music wise it isn''t impressive enough to be "professional" IMO. The strings you used were nice, but some of the other instruments sounded ...weird. Particularly the oboe.
Not bad, i like it. Its not overly complicated or anything, but that can often be a good thing. Your samples seem to be of good quality, and although its slightly quiet, that again is sometimes a good thing.

Moving on, since this thread is here, could some people check out one of my pieces as well and give me some feedback?

Yes, i know the flute sample is of below average quality.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Aye, thanks for the comments

After a few bad things happening, I created this song:
Its a bit different from my usuial style

I currently use Reason 1.5, but will hopefully soon get Reason 2.5 (takes forever to save up)..

Oh and jason, that some awsome piano tunage there I'm particulary fond of the piano as a melody instrument.

Oh, and about "that weird oboe".. tis not an oboe, it is an English Horn, so I guess it would sound weird if you thought it was an oboe

[edited by - Dreq on November 3, 2003 12:31:13 PM]
"Mommy, where do microprocessors come from?"
Heh, thanks mate - piano is an excellent instrument. I used modplug tracker for that one - its a free tracker software avaliable from
I normally use fruityloops though.

"The Future" is good - keep up the good work.

- Jason Astle-Adams

The first song: I like it, but the drumming that occurs seems out of place. It does sound like it could be from a Final Fantasy game, though.
Yeah, I used modplug for like 4 years, so I know a bit about it

I''m thinking about creating a CD''s worth of songs in the genre of "The Future" And as you can tell, I still couldn''t deny the power of the piano, and gave it a short solo :D
"Mommy, where do microprocessors come from?"

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