
I log as root. There is none greater.

Started by October 23, 2003 02:15 AM
7 comments, last by Pres 20 years, 10 months ago
We know the theory here, don''t use root for day to day use because 1) You might be stupid and "rm -rf /" and you have to live with the consequences, or similar little mistakes 2) If one of the processes you kick off, like an IRC client, is compromised by buffer overflow, the malicious code is unbridled Ok we''re talking about a personal home user situation here, not a mission critical machine. So - The former is more often a slip of the mind than of the fingers and in such a situation, you''ll likely to have su''d up anyway. I scorn this. Many of my daemons, listening, such as sshd are running as UID 0. In fact, my sshd is old, unpatched and vulnerable. I run IRC clients, browsers, P2P ... all exclusively as root and have for years. So has anyone here *actually* been compromised ?
No, it's a myth. Nobody ever gets compromised.

Now, what's your IP address? Tell ya what, I'll post an image link here, so that I automatically capture your IP address when you next view the page.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

[edited by - sneftel on October 23, 2003 3:51:29 AM]
I''ll tell you my IP : hehe have mercy on me
Hiding behind a NATted router doesn't make your computer secure. It's still susceptible to hijaacked outgoing connections. This is especially true if those outgoing connections are running under root--as it sounds like they are.

EDIT: For anyone who feels like knowing, here's the last few IPs that loaded that image:
(and mine, of course. but if you can't figure that one out, you have problems. )

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

[edited by - sneftel on October 23, 2003 3:32:15 AM]
omfg, I''m being tracked. h@x my ip at port 80.

Well, R2D22U2..
Nah, I''ve taken the image off (tho I suppose you''re still being tracked as a 404). I''ve had it up to HERE with your @^%&#$ freeloaders stealing my bandwidth!!! <br><br><hr>How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
everyone steal my bandwidth! bandwidth for all!
Well, R2D22U2..
Yeh... given the number of images I''ve stuck on your server, I suppose I shouldn''t throw stones

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
You're welcome Mr. Sneftel.

EDIT: One quick story. Two months or so ago, while operating my old PII 400Mhz 64MB ram computer as the previous server, I had pscp'ed (putty) some web images from my windows box to the server in a particular directory. I decided to move them to another folder and as root I typed "mv /* /var/www/html". Right after hitting enter I realized the ramifications involved in such an action and tried to cancel but too late. I basically started moving everything from the root folder to apache's document root. The hard drive bombed out, and I exploited the opportunity to upgrade anyway. The End.

[edited by - nervo on October 23, 2003 4:04:12 AM]
Well, R2D22U2..

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