
refreshing windows

Started by October 22, 2003 10:12 PM
1 comment, last by coda_x 21 years, 4 months ago
I have an SDI window with 2 dialogs. These dialogs appear in front of my SDI window and when i close or move these dialogs, the graphics that appear in my SDI view become obscured by a white patch of the dialog''s outline, thus my graphics are blocked..but I was wondering why windows have no automatic refreshing of my screen, i was using MFC with OpenGl and need to solve this problem urgently...anybody can help?
You need to tell the window to refresh/invalidate. Or you can set a timer to refresh/invalidate after a specified number of milliseconds

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is it that i call the invalidate function in the view class.cpp? My Opengl coding were done in the dialog.cpp... does the invalidate function re-draw my graphic everytime i try to shift away the dialog that is blocking the view? was wondering is there a difference between refreshing the view and redrawing the view...hope u can clarify. thank you

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