

Started by October 20, 2003 07:10 AM
1 comment, last by turkert 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi all. Last night i read another great tutorial form NeHe and I confused about "wave_movement" variable. I belive that it should not be incremented in the for loop and i tried to increment it after the loops and it worked. However, I also believe that if it is inside the for loop we should see some sharp differences in the output. Because, if it is the case then we are saying that: function calculateAllVertexPos(int wave_movement, float *wave) {... IN.position.y = ( sin(IN.wave.x + (IN.position.x / 5.0) )+..... ...} main(){ for(all Z values) for(all X valuse) calculateAllVertexPos(wave_movement, wave); glVertex3f(wave[x], wave[y], wave[z]); glVertex3f(wave[x+1], wave[y], wave[z]); wave_movement+=0.00001f; } } } I hope you understand that we are Recalculating wave[y] values for every vertex. Code would be correct if and only if CG program is called everytime glVertex*() function is called. But if this is the case then it should not work if I moved "wave_movement+=0.00001f;" statement to outside of the loops. By the way, When our CG program is called in the main program ? I hope someone will clear up my mind, thank you for even reading this. myIQ>0.003?false:false Error:undefined symbol "myIQ"
myIQ>0.003?false:falseError:undefined symbol "myIQ"
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Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
myIQ>0.003?false:falseError:undefined symbol "myIQ"

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