
Advanced Lighting

Started by October 15, 2003 10:28 PM
1 comment, last by _SAN_ 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I am currently taking a 3d Graphics course in University and have found this site of great help for opengl application. For our course, in order to get better than a decent mark, one must "do something cool". Something you can''t find in a tutorial, or thats really hard to do. Anyways, for my cool effect, I have decided to make a blacklight. For the TGA texture loaded, the alpha component will be used as a phosphor, making it so any pixel containing an alpha, the colour within will be amplified and "bright", the rest of the non alpha pixels appearing lit, under the light colour, but still darker. The only way I see of doing this is to modify a software lighting algorithm and adding the correct calculations to do my blacklighting. What I need is a software lighting algorithm that can be used with opengl, I have surfed the net, but cannot find one. Does anyone know where I can find an example of lighting in opengl without using GLLights? Likewise, does anyone know any other way I could go about doing this? Taking advantage of hardware?
You could render the scene once without the black light, and again with it (using the vertex colors to represent phosphor(is that really what it is?)) and combine the too...
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
in order to get better than a decent mark, one must "learn the ancient art of pixel shaders". You can write a pixel shader that does exactly what you want, ive done something similar using Cg. For openGL, you need to either use Cg or shader extension.

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