LibAn8 v3.10.11 ALPHA available
I have made a library which can load .an8 file from Anim8or.
Maybe it can help some people.
LibAn8 do not support animations, figures and sequences (and will not, or maybe just the basics).
This library is written in C/C++
It''s available for DevCpp only (MinGW GCC 3.2 for Windows)
Hey thats great, but, what does it support? What do u mean by figures?
----------------------------------------------------"Plant a tree. Remove a Bush" -A bumper sticker I saw.
The supported features are listed in the project web page:
But you will probably have to know how to use Anim8or to understand how works the library. I have also to write a better documentation
The web page of Anim8or is:
The creator of Anim8or has posted the .an8 file format description in his web site. But you can also read a very basic (and not completed) description of the file format here:
The main features of LibAn8 are: It can load:
_ Meshes with their position and orientation in the object space coordinates. These meshes can have per face materials. The normals are imported if it's exported in the .an8 file.
_ Materials: Diffuse, ambient, speculare and emmissive color and texture.Alpha, Brilliance, PhongSize, Transparency (texture and percent), BumpMap (texture and percent).
_ Objects with their position and orientation in the scene space coordinates. In Anim8or several meshes can be in one object, and sevral objects can be in one scene (the same object can be called sevral time in the scene).
_ Light, camera, background color, fog.
Figures, sequences and animations are not imported. Anim8or has several mode:
_ Object: Where you create your meshes. (you can create several objects)
_ Figures: where you create the skelton of you animation.
_ Sequences: where you edit the characters animation (with key frames,...). Sequences are something like an MD2 animation that you can had to the scene.
_ Scene: Where you add your objects or sequences, lights, camera, fog, ...
LibAn8 has some functions to compute orientation matrices of the mesh, object, camera and lights.
One function can also convert the orientation and position of meshes in order to have all the meshes in their object space coordinates (and the same thing for object and scene, but do not use this option if you use some objects several time in the scene).
[edited by - greg2 on October 16, 2003 5:02:04 AM]
But you will probably have to know how to use Anim8or to understand how works the library. I have also to write a better documentation

The web page of Anim8or is:
The creator of Anim8or has posted the .an8 file format description in his web site. But you can also read a very basic (and not completed) description of the file format here:
The main features of LibAn8 are: It can load:
_ Meshes with their position and orientation in the object space coordinates. These meshes can have per face materials. The normals are imported if it's exported in the .an8 file.
_ Materials: Diffuse, ambient, speculare and emmissive color and texture.Alpha, Brilliance, PhongSize, Transparency (texture and percent), BumpMap (texture and percent).
_ Objects with their position and orientation in the scene space coordinates. In Anim8or several meshes can be in one object, and sevral objects can be in one scene (the same object can be called sevral time in the scene).
_ Light, camera, background color, fog.
Figures, sequences and animations are not imported. Anim8or has several mode:
_ Object: Where you create your meshes. (you can create several objects)
_ Figures: where you create the skelton of you animation.
_ Sequences: where you edit the characters animation (with key frames,...). Sequences are something like an MD2 animation that you can had to the scene.
_ Scene: Where you add your objects or sequences, lights, camera, fog, ...
LibAn8 has some functions to compute orientation matrices of the mesh, object, camera and lights.
One function can also convert the orientation and position of meshes in order to have all the meshes in their object space coordinates (and the same thing for object and scene, but do not use this option if you use some objects several time in the scene).
[edited by - greg2 on October 16, 2003 5:02:04 AM]
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