
3d exploration-OpenGL

Started by October 14, 2003 04:31 AM
1 comment, last by Kronos259 21 years, 4 months ago
Hello, I have created an object in 3d Studio Max and i have used 3D Exploration to convert it into opengl code. My question is how i can use that code in my project! Where do i place the code? (I follow NeHe''s tutorials ,so my basic code is somehow like that) And what happens if you have two different objects in two .c files? Thank you in advance!
OK, if you can''t figure that out, you need to practice programming more before learning opengl. there is no magic place to paste code to make it work.

Sorry. That was a bit harsh of me.

My advice is to read the code generated by 3d exploration until you understand it. Then read the nehe basecode till you understand it (not all necessarily, but enough to recognise when initialisation happens, and when a frame is draw). Then put the two together however you see fit.

At the very least you can look for similarity in nehe''s drawing code and the exported one yes? And learn from that, by example?

Heres the news: embedding objects into code is a very short sighted and hacky way of doing it. Why not try writing a simple importer for a simple text format 3d file like .asc?

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