
A program to fabricate and articulate a plausible interlude

Started by October 11, 2003 09:49 PM
129 comments, last by bishop_pass 21 years, 2 months ago

(edit: notice i keep thing general here, since english became painful to explain it and inaccurate, and also i have more detail in my book yet)
ok what i have throw a abstract scheme about element in use to generate story, but to use them we have to indentify and break it into practical basic unit until we have data class to process with

one of these useful things is the "action schema" (schema actentiel in french don't know in english the exact term )

edit: oups i have make a big mistake here destinaire=destinateur !=destinataire

let's have a definition of term (there is which still remain in french sorry )

relation subject/object
>>>>subject is what which engage the action (can something abstract or more than a character, ex the dna engine, abstract idea, a force in the balance, a ring (!), an organisation etc...)
>>>>object is the objective (person, idea, thing, state etc...)

relation destinateur/destinataire
>>>>the destinateur (the sender) is that of which or what depend that the subject obtains the object
>>>>the destinataire (the recipient) is that or that for which or what depend that the subject wants the object

relation helper/opponent
>>>>the helper (ally) is that which help the subject to obtain the object
>>>>the opponent is that which oppose the subject to obtain the object

this the basic unit of action and story
help in the analysis of agent action and could appraise by the dna to build the whole story state and it's also this kind of unit which is build for the story generated and be broke the into lower unit, actually i think it's a spinal bone of the whole engine and made some link with ai based programmation (goal orianted) the fact is by a process betwenn hi level and low level schema by the system buil the story

any comments???

the other important units is the character i will discuss soon in the character engine

be good
be evil
but do it WELL

[edited by - Neoshaman on December 5, 2003 12:48:49 AM]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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