
Possible tutorial topic?

Started by October 10, 2003 11:06 AM
4 comments, last by pnaxighn 21 years, 4 months ago
I''ve been using NeHe''s tutorials for a while now, and they absolutely rock. Kudos to you, mr. Molofee. That said, occasionally I come upon topics not covered in this ever expanding work. Some are simple, and I google around and find information, but this one has me stumped. I''m currently writing a rendering engine, and it needs complete RGBA support. This implies depth sorting, and this seems to imply BSPs. Sadly, I can''t seem to find a decent BSP tutorial. There are plenty of them, but none give working code or enough examples to build some. So this post is a request/plea -- anyone out there interested in creating a BSP tutorial? If I''m out of line in posting this here (is there a "requests" form somewhere?), let me know; better yet, point me in the right direction --oberon
That looks to be a pretty good site, but I don''t see any tutorials on depth sorting in openGL or, infact, anything vaguely related to such. Could you be a bit more specific about where I should be looking?

Thanks for the pointer nonetheless, I''ll be checking out some of their other tutorials.

BSP rendering is hard to understand without working code, because it actually needs preprocessing before you can use it.

You can''t just write code and see if it works, you have to compile the bsp tree before you do that, and a map editor to boot.

Download a copy of the quake source. if that''s too complicated (and it is pretty confusing if you''ve never looked at it) then look at the Doom source. Both of these are available for free download, as well as the tools required to build the bsp trees.
All of these are available as open source under GPL license.

Good luck.
The sad truth is that some things cannot be simply put in a tutorial.

There are cases in which one is playing with a such eveoved functionality that he''s usually skilled enough to just ignore/abstract api-specific issues (this is why most tutorials are vague).

There are other cases in which the feature needs so much support by part of other components that making a decent tutorial is hard work. For example, I guy suggested me to post a tutorial on pbuffer. I won''t because this would take way too much to put on a usable manner.
This is the case of bsp trees - simplifying them so much to make a tutorial requires so much time you''ll eventually drop''em and go for something more interesting.

Previously "Krohm"

Original post by Krohm
This is the case of bsp trees - simplifying them so much to make a tutorial requires so much time you''ll eventually drop''em and go for something more interesting.

More interesting? Like what? Is there a better way to depth sort polygons and/or convex objects (individual polygons of a convex object can be depthsorted pretty easily, though it''s a bit hard on the GPU).


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