
RedHat & Network Card Problem

Started by October 08, 2003 09:08 AM
12 comments, last by Evil Bill 20 years, 11 months ago
I have a cable modem plugged in via USB, and i have a network card. When i start the network configuration tool, it says: "eth0 has an alia to module 8139too in modules.conf, instead of currently loaded CDC Ethernet Class!". THe network config tool shows one ethernet device (eth0), and the hardware tab shows a "RealTek RTL-8139, SMC EZ Card". So, what the hell happened to my network card? I know thats my modem, since if i deactivate it, my net connection drops. MY modules.conf file has the line "alias eth0 8139too" in it, and commenting it out causes the warning message to go away, and for eth0 to list itself as "CDC Ethernet Class" in the hardware tab of the network config tool. Does anyone know how to get my network card up and running? Any helps appreciated Cheers, Steve [edited by - Evil Bill on October 8, 2003 10:09:23 AM]
Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)
paste dmesg output, the last about 1/4th of it.
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
paste dmesg output, the last about 1/4th of it.

dmesg output?

I''m downloading redhat 9 at the mo, and i''m gonn install that soon. However, IE (i''m back to win2k tempoarily) keeps saying the server aborted the connection (or words to that effect), so its going very slowly...
Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)
don''t use IE for .iso''s. Use a real FTP client. one that can resume downloads.

dmesg output. as in, "type in ''dmesg'' at the console and paste the output of that program"
Well, the redhat 9 isos are on an HTTP server, not FTP (unfortunately). IE seems to be resuming them, but since its resumes one file about 6 times, i have a funny feeling that the md5 sum won''t be correct.
If i have the same problem with RH9, i''ll try that, thanks. But i''m likely to come up with some other problem

Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)
You can try curl or you can try to FTP to the HTTP address, odds are it runs both.

Good point, lemme try...
Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)
"421 There are too many connected users. Please try later". Damn.
Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)
quote: Original post by Evil Bill
"421 There are too many connected users. Please try later". Damn.

Use mirror.
Ok, i''m now running RedHat 9, which i''m pretty happy with. However, i still have the problem with my network. I don''t get that message about the alias, but the network config only shows one device - which, when decactivated shuts down my internet connection.

So, how do i persuade redhat to detect my network card? I suppose i could unplug it and then plug it in again, but i suspect theres a simpler way. Any ideas?

Cheers for the replies,
Member of the Unban Mindwipe Society (UMWS)

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