
Linux Lord Of the Rings

Started by September 28, 2003 07:46 PM
8 comments, last by raincoat 21 years, 5 months ago
I am a college student and need to program an indepth represention of Moria in openGL. I was looking for input as to the best way to created objects and read in textures. I am using linux and I know that most people use windows but... What can I use to read in objects from file, map textures to these objects quickly and efficently in Linux. Since there is alot of coding to be done and alot of objects I didn''t want to just hard code each object I create and maptextures point by point. I am really new at doing things in such a large scale so any pointers would be usefull. Also I am trying to make this as lifelike as possible with shadows and fire etc. So please keep that in mind when you are giving me suggestions. Thanks

see the tutorials, code for linux is typically included

George D. Filiotis

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George D. Filiotis
Yes I know nehe has simple small example files, not really helping me out, I am looking for a large in depth file reading system to instantiate objects not learn how to incorperate a simple texture, or light.
Try or even the above Articles & Resources link from gamedev.

I would really like something where I can draw an object in some external program and save it in some format where it can then be loaded into my openGL code, is there anything like that or am I being to optimistic?
You might want to use a 3d-modeller, and load the models into your application.

Wings3D is good choice, and it''s free.
Wings3D looks good, doesn''t seem like they are really into supporting linux but I bet i can get it to run, but I tried out the Lesson31 and couldn''t get that code to work at all! It had compile problems, non included .h files and after I got all that worked out, it had problems with invalid conversion byte* to char* so thats not nice at all.
look up blender it works for linux and uses python to scrip custom exporters etc.
I am basically doing exactly what djkno3 has suggested. Using python you can easily export what you need from blender. I haven''t exported textures yet, just vertexes. Someday I will probably post my code, but not yet, as it is very ugly and experimental. However all the documentation is out there, read it and enjoy.

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